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Posts Tagged: 'f:+middle+eastern:+brown:+20s'

Jul. 8th, 2009



Haifa Wehbe


Set: Haifa Wehbe : 140
Details: Female : Middle Eastern [Lebanese] : Brown/Black : Green : late 20s-30s
Link: Inksome or Insanejournal

Feb. 5th, 2009


[No Subject]


Set: Jenna Dewan : 48
Details: Female : Lebanese/Mixed : Brown : Green : 10s, 20s
Link: LINK

May. 18th, 2008



Ahu Türkpençe


Set: Ahu Türkpençe : 99
Details: female : Middle Eastern : brown : hazel : 20s-30s
Link: Here!

May. 16th, 2008



Tala Ashe


Set: Tala Ashe : 45
Details: female : Middle Eastern : brown : brown : 10s-20s
Link: Here!

May. 2nd, 2008



Nelly Makdessy


Set: Nelly Makdessy : 74
Details: female : Middle Eastern : brown/red/streaked : grey : 20s
Link: Here!

Apr. 30th, 2008



Haifa Wehbe


Set: Haifa Wehbe : 127 icons | 79 borderless
Details: female : middle eastern : black/brown : grey/green : 20s, 30s
Link: LINK

Mar. 22nd, 2008



Tag Post 64


Female: Middle Eastern: Brown: 20s

If you would like past icon sets to be searchable through the community's tags, please comment here with links to your relevant sets. Please combine all sets in the one comment. If you want to, you're welcome to include one icon per subject.

Mar. 4th, 2008



Dana Halabi


Set: Dana Halabi : 103 icons
Details: female : middle eastern (Lebanese) : blond/brown : green/grey : 10s/20s
Link: LINK

Feb. 12th, 2008


Holly Valance


Set: Holly Valance : 46 Icons
Details: female : mixed/middle eastern : brown/blond : brown : 20s
Character Suggestions: **
Link: LINK