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February 13th, 2016



Luvia Petersen


Set: Luvia Petersen: 40 new, updating an old post for a total of 76
Details: Female: White: Blonde/White: Brown: 33-34
Character Suggestions: Continuum: Jasmine Garza
Link: here



Stephen Lobo


Set: Stephen Lobo: 52 new, updating an old post for a total of 172
Details: Male: Iranian/Indian: Black: Dark brown: 41-42
Character Suggestions: Continuum: Matthew Kellog
Link: here



Tanaya Beatty


Set: Tanaya Beatty: 62
Details: Female: First Nations/Himalayan: Black: Dark brown: 22
Character Suggestions: Continuum: Rebecca Barton; Heroes of Olympus: Piper McLean
Link: here