p a x
l e t a l e
At Pax Letale, an awakening has begun. As these gods rediscover themselves and each other, the seemingly invisible but ubiquitous management tracks each of them quite closely, and the very building itself seems to have an agenda of its own. And as the gods made humans in their own image - or humans made them in theirs - so will the the behavior of the people of Pax turn as dark as their deities. Blood, strife, sex, petty plots, torture - even murder will wind their ways into Pax Letale.

Posts Tagged: 'nephthys'

Jun. 15th, 2010


Who: Chris and Riley and anybody that wants to play! [Open Log]
What: Moving in shenanigans
Where: Staircase from the third floor and beyond!
When: Move-in day
Warnings: Heavy boxes and introductions.

It was so funny how your entire life could be a series of boxes just waiting to be unpacked. )