And there he did it. Barry's comment was something Kitty couldn't help but laugh a little bit harder at it. "Well, despite my embarrassment, I probably wouldn't have minded landing on you, considering you're tall and handsome." Kitty laughed, unable to help it. "Obviously the room beneath mine was never a favorite, in general, though for the simple risk that I might wake someone up." Kitty was smiling, even as she shared.
It wasn't that hard to share all of this, honestly. In fact, it felt kind of good to laugh with someone over the things the time she had made a much bigger deal about. Now, though, they were just silly memories of her trial and error in controlling her gifts.
"That's funny because I don't think I can imagine trying to figure it all out without the amount of help I had." Kitty spoke, honestly. "It was helpful, to me, to have the core group of adults and other students around. And to have the facility too." Kitty added thinking of the danger room and the different ways that she had actually honed her phasing. "But everyone learns differently too. I thrived in that environment, others didn't." Kitty shrugged.
"I think it's your turn to share a story now." Kitty nudged him lightly, curious about his abilities...and his experience too.