Jan. 6th, 2011


Who? The B-Team
What? Jo finally gets on that whole "waking up" thing (after a self-indulgent dream scene, woo)
Where? The woods or something? Wherever Dean has dragged them.
When? Afternoon of today (the 6th)
Rating? TBC

Read more... )

Jan. 2nd, 2011


Who? Various: The B-Team | Open to all
What? OMG fire!
Where? Various
When? Right friggin' now
Rating? TBC

As with NuttySam's forest thread, feel free to go nuts! Narratives / subthreads / random Team-ups welcome.

Death comes sweeping through the hallway like a lady's dress )

Jan. 1st, 2011


Who? NuttySam and MiniDean (with appearances by Jo2)
What? Angsty breakfast? Creeper dogs?
Where? B-Team HQ: Sam & Jo's apartment
When? Slightly backdated to the morning after MiniDean's re-arrival.
Rating? Not terrifying.