Pantheon University
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Monday, January 19th, 2009

    Time Event
    Welcome to Pantheon University
    I'm your Admissions Counselor, Mr. Stevens. By this point you should have gotten your housing assignment and your tour around the campus. I'm here just to let you know about a few specific things about Pantheon's campus in particular. The main street in town has all of the restaurants, movie theaters, the laundromat, and the post office. Nashville is only an hour's drive away and we'd strongly discourage you from exploring into the some of the backhills here in Bucksnort. Strange things can happen sometimes and we're very committed to the safety and security of all our students.

    So have fun, enjoy the campus and your classes, and if you have any trouble please don't hesitate to contact a member of the staff or faculty.

    We're here to help make your college stay a gods-inspired time!
    [Open to the other residents of the Hall]
    Date: Late August
    Time: Mid morningish
    Place: Billy Bob Bucksnort Residence Hall.

    Nick smiled as he threw his dufflebag down on his bed in the suite that they assigned him this year. At least he was rooming with Jake again, the other dude laughing when he'd called him over the phone a couple days ago. They'd been tossed together their first year here and they'd formed an odd friendship of sorts. Now that they had moved up in the world and were moving into the sophomore dorms, they got another person placed with them for the year. A transfer student, Ben something or other, and that'd be interesting. It took a special sort of person to be able to deal with Jake's constant flow of girls. He'd gotten used to it. They'd see how it all played out. He was looking forward to plugging in and messing with his new Wii. An overly expensive gift from his father who was still looking to make amends. He'd taken the gift mostly cause he had no real way of returning it and, between him, Jake, and likely the new guy, it'd get a fair amount of use.

    He plugged it in and started playing the Wii Bowling as he waited for his roommates to move in. Time for another fun year at P.U.

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