Wednesday, February 27th, 2013

The Winds Blow...And Chaos Arrives

Greeting Deities...and those mortals who are allowed to grace our presence....*mmmmph....MMMMPHHHHH*

Sorry...hi everyone, this is Beth. That *points to the now gagged gentleman that looks like Nick Fury/Mace Windu/Samuel L. Jackson* Set. He is the Egyptian god of chaos, deserts, infertility, foreign lands, and war. Please feel free to read all of his posts with the Samuel L. Jackson voice in your head. The deities only knows, he's very loud and obnoxious in my head. Occasionally I do have to gag him...otherwise I'd never sleep and all of the other muses in my head would run away.

Set is...well...trouble. He is the brother to Osiris, Nephthys, Isis and Horus the Elder. He is best known for protecting Ra as he journeys through the Duat at night and shredding the daylights out of Horus...or getting shredded himself. It's an epic battle they keep trying to keep going.

He is jealous of Osiris, wants to rule the world and is determined to find a way to own all the oil in the world. This has become his goal in life. This is what he's been doing since the end of mythological times and I'm not sure how many of his siblings and Egyptian "friends" really want to talk to him.

*gets loose* I'd like to think Bes would talk to me...and maybe Thoth...and maybe that crazy sis...mmmmmph*'s Beth again...slippery sucker that god is...sheesh...anyway if anyone wants to play, plot, enjoys chaos or at least a good Cuban cigar and glass of Scotch...Set is your man. You can reach AIM at bethacarpenter or on Google Talk as bethannecarpenter. I'm always up for a good plot/story/diaster/evil planning so hit me up...and I'll let him loose.

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Tuesday, February 19th, 2013

New Player Alert! New Character! Prometheus!

HI! I'm Diana, I'm new. You can thank Mannanan's player Cassie for telling me about this game. I present to all of you Prometheus, Titan of Forethought, Crafty Council, Knowledge, Human Civilization, and the Fire Thief.

Prometheus is the guy that the Greeks said made humans, then he's the guy the Greeks say tricked Zeus into thinking that bones wrapped in fat was an awesome thing to offer to the gods, much better than the meat and delicious organs. And he's the guy who, when Zeus said "No more fire or knowledge of civilization for you human peoples" then snuck into the throne room on Olympus, stole the torch of knowledge, and returned it to humanity. And for doing all of that, Prometheus was the guy who was chained to a mountain for 13 generations while an eagle ate his liver daily. Eventually, Herekles set him free, but pretty much NOTHING is said of Prometheus after this. The one play that talks about this has been lost. So, I've taken a little dramatic liberty and for the last several thousand years, Prometheus has been in this state of being Banished and stripped of powers, still immortal, but unable to enter any Godly Realm. Zeus forbade any temples or cult worshiping Prometheus (This we do know from history, Prometheus only had one small shrine inside one of Athena's temples) and this has kept him very weak. He probably pissed his few allies he had left back in the olden-days off by going around telling humans not to bother worshiping gods.

Basically, he's an atheist. Who is a god. And not just a quiet, unassuming atheist. An annoying one. But he's getting over that!

Becaaaause, ever since the 20th century and the building of a proper Temple to him (Well, Rockefeller center, which Prometheus would consider an ice skating rink and business office and TV studio proper tribute to the guy who taught humans to be civilized) he's been getting stronger and stronger and the banishment has been breaking. So now he wants to go back to Olympus cause he misses what's left of his family (hasn't been able to go visit his bro Atlas under the mountains in 3000 years) and his old friends. And, well, he's getting bored with being a mortal. One can only re-invent a human identity for oneself so many times before it gets tedious.

So! That's my boy! Throw lines at me? I like lines! EDIT: Helps if I tell you how to contact me. AIM: DianaRoleplays or TheFireBringerUnbound
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Tuesday, February 12th, 2013


I'm Kate. This is Dionysus, god of Wine, Vegetation, Frenzy, Madness, Drunkenness and Theater. He's a bit of an oddball to say the least, but he would love to have a good time with EVERYBODY. So. Who wants to party?
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Wednesday, February 6th, 2013

Hi, all! I am Cassie, and I am a brand spanking newbie to Deities, but I am very glad to be here! I've been looking for a game like this for a long time, so I'm glad I happened to stumble upon it! Everything looks very exciting (and I might have read like, everything in the game thus far, too...)

Anyway, onto the real reason I'm posting: I bring you Manannan mac Lir, Celtic god of Storms and the Seas, resident Trickster of the Celtic people, and either friend or foe to many mortals, all depending on how arrogant you are. He also gets around. A lot. He is married to the goddess Fand, who is not in game, but I imagine that would be fun, has several lovers, but most notably: is an Elder God of the Celts. He's older than the Tuatha De Danaan, but they come to him for advice and in decision-making. Well, they would if he was around. You can check out his profile for the whole history here but the TL;DR version is that he was happily the caretaker of the Otherworld/Land of Youth (as several of the lands are ones he personally oversees) until about the last half of the 20th century, when he started making trips back to the mortal plane.

Flash forward to now, and he's been AWOL from the Otherworld for probably the last decade or so, which I imagine does not sit well with his fellow gods. I really want someone to drag him out of his walkabout and pull him back into the godly politics, and of course, connect with his fellow Celtic deities (Rosmerta, I'm looking at you).

So, that's it! Again, I'm Cassie, and if you wanna get a hold of me, I am on AIM: RobinzGirlWonder almost all day long every day, and would love to chat/plot with anyone and everyone!

Thanks for having me aboard!

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Monday, January 28th, 2013

You Know What I Hate....

I OMG HATE it so much that my husband of nearly nine years knows me better than I do. Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to be mourning the loss of a character that you've played and cherished for like seven years, sitting on your couch and munching on cookie dough like your puppy just died, to then have said husband come up to you and say, "You need someone new. You'll feel better when you have a new character to tinker with." And with being married for as long as I have, do you have any idea how much I HATE it when he's right?

Because you know husbands, they aren't right very often but when they are you will never hear the end of it. Ugh.

God I HATE that.

I did find someone new, at Scott's suggestion, and kind of fell in love with her. Because I'm pretty sure this app was the longest app I've written in the history of my apps at DDC, dwarfing Zeus' by two pages, I think it's fairly obvious that I put a great deal of love and thought into getting her just so.

So, in case you haven't noticed a theme here, and the above did happen btw, this is Styx. Hate Incarnate. Or... Goddess of Hate and Detestation, if you prefer. She's also the Goddess of or Keeper of the Solemn/Binding/Unbreakable Oath, depending which verbiage you prefer. She's also one of the chief rivers in the Underworld. Seriously guys, they say she like loops the underworld like nine times. That's a long-ass river. Read all about her here.

She is not the river Charon ferries across, I know that is a common misconception. Her waters, as you'll read, are EXTREMELY toxic and corrosive. His boat would not survive the journey. In traditional myth (and even in Dante's Inferno, yo), he ferries across Akheron, so, I'm going with that.

I want to plot with everyone. But, I am going to say one thing up front, binding divine oath among the Greeks involved swearing said oath over her waters. Like, Iris had to fetch her water in a specially made pitcher so it wouldn't fall apart, the oath was then sworn as the water was poured out. Please, guys, do not do this lightly. Zeus, in myth, dared not to break the oath because the consequences were so dire. This was the true reason Semele died... which is a complicated story, but he swore an oath over Styx to give her anything she desired and when she requested to see him in true form, he had to oblige even though he knew it would kill her.

Read all about the consequences in my bio or on theoi, but the consequences for breaking the oath would probably render the character completely unplayable for an extremely long span of time. I'm not talking just exile or a slap on the wrist. I'm talking a divine vegetative-state type coma, then exile. Complete and utter exile. No talking to other gods, seeing other gods.. nothing. And you were struck mute the whole time. And this wasn't for a few weeks. This was somewhere between 10 and 80 years depending on your definition of a great/eternal year. So, if you want to use her waters for a divine oath, please talk to me about it or the mods, or both. It is not a trivial thing. At all.

So, go... read... and give me all the things. She's not nasty, but she's not gonna cuddle you either. Unless you are one of her bebes. Then all bets are off. And Zelos, your room had best be clean. She doesn't care that her son is living with Zeus, there is no excuse for underpants on the floor when there is a perfectly good hamper three feet away. :P That goes for you other three, too. And if you move something in her house, and you aren't close family, you will probably be made to regret it. Just sayin'


~ Dawn
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Saturday, January 26th, 2013

Oh hi! I am Nae. This is my sunshineeeeee, my only sunshine. Remember how Bragi wrecked all of my ratios? Well Freyr did it even WORSE. D: The fates just will not bless me with another girl critter for this game. I think Eris poisoned them. Anyway, Freyr is very proud of his ratio wrecking accomplishment. Even though it upsets him that he is my fourth critter instead of my first one. Sorry bb!

ANYWAY, SO THIS IS FREYR. God of light, sunshine, summer rain, fertility, and prosperity. You know how Spock says 'live long and prosper'? Freyr makes that happen. He says the word "awesome" a lot, and is pretty positive he's cooler than Superman because Superman's teeth aren't nearly as white as his and Superman is a bad dancer. You know how some people think the sun rises and sets with them, well for Freyr it's different. The sun literally really does! It does guys. Srsly.

He's the sort of guy who had a sword that fought his battles for him, and when he wanted to marry a girl he sent his servant to court her for him. Slacker. His sacred animal is the pig. I'm not even going to touch that one. He likes parties, games, and halo and can sleep with the lights on. He's pretty sure spray on cheese is one of the best inventions of the new millenium and thinks instant pudding isn't instant enough. He wishes someone would invent an instant flan. He's pretty chill. Just don't bring him down or insult his twin sister. :|

Oh and in the Peanuts universe, given that Hades=Schroeder and Eris=PigPen and Bragi=Linus, this would make Freyr=Frieda. And in Mariokart terms, if you don't speak Peanuts, Freyr=Yoshi. Just in case anyone was wondering. More stuff can be found at his journal if all this did not scare you away.

He would love some plots from you lovely people if you are willing! GIVE HIM ALL THE THINGS. <333
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Monday, January 14th, 2013

Something new

Cary here with a new boy.

I'm afraid Pothos has flown off to go surfing. I loved my little erote, but he was not talking to me much anymore. So he has retired.

In his place, I bring you Erebos! Father to a few of the current critters in the game, husband to the new Nyx. He is looking forward to getting out and playing! Anyone up for a little Darkness in their lives?
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I'm Kate.

This is Nyx. She has put her Sleepy son to bed and tucked him in, because he needed a nap. Now she's ready to play.

Those who have seen me play Nyx in the past, this is a new and improved version. Check out her application, which is in her friends-locked journal. And if you want some plot with her, let me know.
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Tuesday, November 20th, 2012

Hello, everybody! I'm Jackie, I'm shiny and new around these parts, and I come bearing a Pasithea. And this is getting rambled off real quick-like before I run off to teach small kids about Thanksgiving. (So if it makes no sense at all? I apologize in advance!)

Anyway! Pasithea. Married to Hypnos. Has an astounding large brood of sons. (Who are all fantastic. Naturally.) She's - Well, she's a bit odd. It's a very nice odd, though. She promises. A bit like if you reshaped all of the strange, offhand thoughts that pop into your head throughout the course of the day into one person-shaped being. There's a whole lot more in her app, but I'll conclude by stating that she likes libraries and bus stops and cupcakes with decorative frosting designs.

So, again: Hi! Everyone that I've talked to so far seems incredibly nice. (Seriously. It's insane. So nice.) And I'm definitely looking forward to playing with all of you!
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Tuesday, September 25th, 2012

Hello! This is Jen. Well, actually this is Horkos, but I am Jen. You might remember me from such characters as Thor, and uh... Thor. Ok so it took me a little while to actually make character number two, DON'T JUDGE ME.

Anyways, there isn't much info on him in myth, other than he is a son of Eris and likes to get all crazy punish-full (it's a word, maybe, not really) on oath breakers.

He's ... complex? Reserved, sometimes. Odd. Good for a laugh. Or a massacre. Or both. He's so much harder to pin down in my head than Thor; who I can always figure out, usually on account of all the SHOUTING. But now they both have to share my brain, so somehow it will all work out I promise.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to developing him further in threads, and am up for all the things and all the plots, as usual DON'T BE SHY I LOVE YOU.

- Jen <3 <3
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Friday, September 21st, 2012

Ohhhh hello people.

This is Ares. Um. You probably haven't heard of him. He's the god of mood lighting and romantic walks on the beach. No big deal.

So yeah. Enjoy some near-nudity. Since I really doubt anybody wants to thread with this guy.


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Wednesday, September 19th, 2012

I come to you bearing Thyone! Also, hi, it's Syn, because we all knew I was going to pick up that second character when I made up my mind.

This is Thyone, formerly known as Semele when she was alive. She's sort of Dionysus's mother (that boy has seriously confusing parentage) and is the goddess of inspirational frenzy, which can take lots of forms, some good, some not. She was in the Underworld for a couple of decades after her death, then taken to Olympus. She lived there for a long time but understandably prefers to avoid Hera, so for the last few centuries she's lived more often on earth, in France.

She's a remarkably sweet person, not the sharpest knife in the drawer but makes up for it by being emotionally aware of what's going on around her. You do not want to play poker with her, is what I'm saying. In the modern world she's become a true geek, she adores technology. The short of it is, she still can't believe sometimes that she's not still in the Asphodel Meadows, so she enjoys being a goddess and being alive wholeheartedly. She genuinely believes in happy endings because against all odds, she got one. So, yes, basically a happy, easy-going goddess who likes jokes and winning money off suckers who play cards with her.

Her profile can be found here.
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Friday, September 7th, 2012

Hello, Darlings

Tereesa here, with the return of Sif.

Sif is Goddess of the Autumn Harvest and of material wealth. She is also the wife of Thor...for whatever "wife" might mean in this case. Yeah, things aren't real good there.

For those of you who remember her before the game reset, her personality is pretty much the same, with just a little tweaking, but her history with her spouse has changed considerably. Her information is in her journal, if you want a more in-depth look at her.

So, plot away!!
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Thursday, September 6th, 2012

because the underworld is the place to be

Hi, I'm Syn. I'm very, very new and currently nervously poking around to get acquainted with this game. Nice to meet you! The boring stuff; EST, been RP'ing for a while, mostly on in the evenings, actually kind of new to InsaneJournal to boot. Don't mind the noobishness, I'm sure it'll go away fast.

The more interesting stuff; I play Melinoe! Looking forward to tracking down family members and poking them to work out family history and one or two conflicting issues (daddy?), but also happy to plot with anyone who wants to hang out with a Greek ghost goddess who loves to chill out and watch horror movies.

adding; aim (shadedmelinoe) and the ever reliable drop-box.
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Thursday, August 23rd, 2012

Meet Your Maker

Hello all.  For those I knew before, this is Ken.  For those I don't know yet, this is Ken.

I had a creeping craving I just couldn't resist.  A craving for DDC.  I don't have a lot of time to write, but I hope to carve out a little, so I decided to take on a quieter character, one that I could poke in and out of things as time allows, but one that has a lot of good stuff on his plate. 

So meet Hephaestus.  He's kind of the oddball of the Greek pantheon.  Everybody else is dashing and suave, and not a little cruel or arrogant.  Hephaestus is ugly, crippled, stoic, kind, generous and humble.  It's like he was born in the wrong pantheon!  Oh about that, being born.  Hera decided she could have a kid all by her lonesome, no Zeus required.  This is what she got.  So she threw Hephaestus off of the mountain, you know, like you do.  He's never quite gotten over that, but is dysfunctionally dedicated to his mother despite the fact.  He did manage to get a bit of revenge by trapping her on a throne of his own making and forcing the gods to give him a place on Olympus, and marrying Aphrodite to him.  Win/win, you might say, except that now he's stuck for all eternity in a rather unhappy marriage, catches the god of war in his bed, still is the gimp everyone sniggers at.  Oh well.

What Hephaestus does love is creating.  If you ask him to make you something, even if maybe it's not the best idea, he'll probably do it.  And he'll probably do it way better than you expected, and add some extra features.  He's like the Q of the mythical age.  He has always loved craftmanship,a nd lucky for him enjoys invention just as much, so he is quite at home in this technological modern age.  He'll push the DIY maker side of it, heck the guy makes all his own tools.  But he doesn't scoff at devices that do your work for you.  Heck, this guy had automatic bellows and robotic servants back when humanity was working on the wheel.  You have twisted gnarled legs and you don't mind so much having devices that help you out.  He basically has made everything that the Greeks use, from arrows to thunderbolts to jewelry, so there's always that connection among the Greeks.

I'm going to keep my threads and plots rather contained to start so I don't bite off too much, and I would like to start off with some of his myth-related drama: Aphrodite, Hera, Harmonia.  But that doesn't mean I'm stuck to just that.  Of course as usual, if you've interacted with a past Hephaestus, let me know.  Or if there's something in myth, or you sick little mind, that you think should be in our backstory, let me know.  And then if you have future story you want to dream about, let's do it.  I can particularly see other pantheon people approaching Heph if for instance they need something made, or unmade.  He even understands bitterness and the quest for revenge, so he may find some unlikely friends there.

And that's that.  Hi everyone!


P.S. If any of you love making icons, I would love some help. If you're that person, and yes I've met you, who just loves an excuse to churn them out and want to supply me with some, it would be a great help, and it would prevent me from driving everyone crazy with the six icons I'll probably find time to throw together. But if you're not that person who loves chu-rning out icons, please don't churn out any icons.
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Thursday, August 2nd, 2012

Oh snap! #4

Hey guys! This is Ali! Yes! Ali! With a male character! A NORSE. This is Forseti, Norse God of Justice. Son of Baldr and Nanna! Odin and Frigg are his grandparents. Since his parents both died (long story but uncle killed dad. dad dead. Mom mourns.. by throwing herself onto his funeral pyre.. boat... ORPHAN. Sort of) he's been kind of leaning on the rest of his family and trying to sort out his own thoughts! He's pretty hard to rile up, and he's a talker not a fighter. Be gentle friends! I haven't played a guy in awhile.. I will probably be correcting he/she/her/his a lot! Lol

Things to know about Forseti:
He prefers to listen to everything before he says anything. Ie: if there's one person complaining about another he'll hear the other person out before forming an opinion. This includes his family. No matter what. :D
He prefers quiet contemplation over telling people what's bothering him. Mostly because he spent a heck of a lot of time feeling like his world was going to end when his parents died.
Forseti enjoys running a lot so if your God/Goddess wants a running buddy call him up!
He's a forgive and forget sort of guy unless the person gets away with too much. If the person wrongs him, fine. Wrongs everyone and gets off with nada.. not so fine. Expect bitter expression.

Soooo who wants to play with him? Establish some history?

Drool all over his icons (*ahem Nae ahem*). :D :D
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Friday, July 27th, 2012

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey everyone, this is Jan with another Greek (no surprise there). Her name is Hybris and she's the goddess of insolence, violence, wantonness, reckless pride, arrogance, and outrageous behavior in general. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Her profile can be found here, but for the most part, she's made of win and awesome and is a bit crazy. She's like the Riddler, meets (BBC) Moriarty, meets Harley, meets a bunch of other people in a cute trainwrecky package.

In her profile I have marked the following:
-ATTRIBUTED TO: Fall of Rome, Renaissance, Mary Antoinette, & Henry VIII.

If anyone would like to blame regale her for the problems exciting enhancements added to their lives. She's more than happy to take responsibility.
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Friday, July 20th, 2012

Hello! I'm Jen. :) I'm playing Thor, and could not be more excited about that. It's been a long while since I've been in a community and I'm so looking forward to interacting with all of you.

I've been reading the threads here for a couple of weeks, and am kind of blown away by how talented everyone is. I can't wait to write and plot with you!

And thank you again to Nae, her post( and casual use of the term 'LIKE BATMAN' <3 ) in find players was what originally made me check out the community, and I am sooo glad that I did! She has been so fantastic and helpful during my application writing process. Actually basically everyone I've spoken with from here has been fantastic and helpful, thank you all for being so welcoming!

Anyway. Yay. So much yay! I'd love to plot anything and everything. With everyone.

Also, my aim is fiftyseventwelve is case anyone would like to get a hold of me there.
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Thursday, July 19th, 2012

As Nae would say: iDun is iDone.

Because. Yeah. THIS HAPPENED.

So this is Idun, Norse goddess of youth, wife to Bragi, queen of the apples. She is a painfully nice little character, with a habit of hugging everyone and befriending anyone who stands still for too long. She lives in her happy little Asgard hall, which is full of critters, and sometimes even Bragi. Sometimes she writes children's books. Just because. Other times, she just invites a bunch of ladies across a bunch of pantheons over to play poker and drink and gossip.

It is pretty much impossible to get on her bad side. She stays angry for all of three seconds, and then apologizes for it >_>

I'm tired. I always write these things when I am tired.

So yeah. THIS IS KELLY. And Thanatos is palmfacing because he doesn't want to share a brain with someone who loves rainbows and daisy chains, but whatever. He can deal.

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Friday, July 6th, 2012

Feeling Sleepy?

So yes, Kate now has Hypnos. Because she retired Nanna. Sorry Sumerians. So this is Hyp's intro post.

But never mind that.

Did you see we have a THANATOS? It's the next post! Go say hi to our newest player, Kelly, who is awesome despite her capslock abuse.
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