Saturday, May 16th, 2009

2009 DDC AWARDS!!!

You nominated! You voted! And now, you get to see the results!

We had some really interesting things going on, both with the nominations and the votes. We sort of expected that the nominations would be a good indication of what we could expect when we narrowed things down and gave you guys your voting options. Boy were we wrong! You guys surprised us by going all kinds of directions with this. It was really cool to see y’all give everything due consideration before making your votes.

It was also funny to see some of the results. Each and every one of Cary’s male characters was nominated at least once for the Hottest Male category. (Nah, she doesn’t sit around, trolling the interwebs for sexy guys to use as PBs, nuh-uh.) It was also a tight race for that award, and in the end, it was tied. Even our tie breaker fall back was ineffective, since both winners got the same number of nominations.

Favorite Returning Character was also highly contested, and it came right down to the final vote to decide it, because the votes were evenly spread amongst all the nominees. Nastiest Character came down to two characters, and it was evenly split, with only three votes going to the other nominees in the category. Hottest Female and Saddest Scene were up in the air until the last votes were in too.

I think all of that says… we have some seriously awesome players who have crafted some damn fine threads that we’ve all been privileged to read. It’s because of you guys and the work you do that we did these awards. Wether you won a category or not, each and every one of you is an asset. We’re honored to play with you.

Alright. Statistics and mushy crap aside, let’s get on with the show! )

Congratulations to all our winners, and that’s it for the awards this year. You guys have made our first year as mods at DDC just spectacular. Thank you, each and every one of you, so very, very much. We are so excited to see what you’ll bring us in the next year.
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