Friday, July 6th, 2012


My brain is fried. Just...putting that out there. BEFORE I START RAMBLING. You have been warned.

I'm Kelly! Nae dragged me here. She basically threatened to do away with puppies forever if I didn't join. So here I am.

With Thanatos. >_>

He is ridiculous. This is always the first statement that comes to mind when I describe him. Ridiculous. Rather than being a strictly morbid, depressing god of death, he's...quirky. He whines and complains and grumbles a whole lot, but he's lonely above all else. And he gardens. That is his hobby. He is the reason Persephone has flowers to come home to every Winter. He lets Hades take the credit, though. His app is literally a billion miles long, so you can take my word for it when I say he is worth plotting with. Or you can read all the nonsense, and come back with your eyes bleeding and your will to live extinguished. It is completely up to you.

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Sunday, June 17th, 2012

Oh hi! Nae here again. Attempting a Norse this time. Oh snap. He WRECKED all of my ratios. ALL of them. Well a few of them.

This is Bragi, the Norse god of picnics poetry, music, eloquence, and just general performery really. He's Odin's second youngest illegitimate child.

You know his brother, Vidar the Silent? Bragi makes up for him. If you want to talk to someone: Bragi. If you want someone to talk to someone: Bragi. If you want to plan a fun time: Bragi. If you don't want to talk to someone: Bragi. And a bag of salt water taffy. Just keep handing them to him. He'll fall for this every time. He can't talk while he's chewing. That would be bad manners.

With him and my other two, I now have the perfect crisis team! Eris will set the bomb, Hades will disable the bomb, and Bragi will take all the women and children out of there in case Hades cannot disable the bomb (Give Hades a break, it's only a side hobby and he never has as much time for those as he'd like.).

In terms of Chipmunkology, the inexact science of defining everything in terms of Chipmunks, given that Eris is Alvin, and Hades is Simon, that technically would make Bragi Theodore. Do with this information what you will. In any case, even though he is not as cruel as Hades, or as demure as Eris you should all plot with him anyway. He's my friendliest critter. Besides Eris.

More useful information can be found at his journal. Plots are LOVE! <333
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Saturday, June 9th, 2012

Hey! This is Kel, and I'd like y'all to meet Shiva! He's part of the Hindu Trimurti, and he's the God of Death and Destruction, of Music and Dance, and of Time. He's a pretty conflicted guy, being as how he's called Destroyer of Worlds, and he likes this world, so he doesn't really want to destroy it. He's spent some time with Gandhi, and he's really trying to keep his anger under wraps. Like a certain big green fella, you really wouldn't like him when he's angry.

At the moment, he's trying really hard to enhance his calm. He's got himself a band that he sings for, and he'd like to find his wife eventually, but at the moment, he's really just trying to hold it all together. The more he gets himself worked up about something, the more of a dervish he becomes, so he's usually pretty aware of where he is at all times.

He loves to dance, loves to sing, and loves to make things. He's not a sculptor or anything, but he does enjoy influencing others to create things that he enjoys. He's done that in the past, and it hasn't worked out too well, but he's not gonna stop.

So anyone who wants him is welcome to him! <3
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Saturday, May 12th, 2012

Oh hi! Nae here again. I play Sassafrass, Whackafrass, Scratchafrass, Frasslessfrass, NotOdinsfrass, Huggasnuggafrass, and Yodafrass. Oh wait, no, that's Kate. Nevermind! I play HADES. But he's so maniacal mischievous, and sneaky manipulative, and cold hearted evil all the time. I really needed to pick up someone else for balance.

So anyway, here's Eris!!! 4 feet, almost eleven inches, of pure fun and sunshine. She is such an incredibly good person that even if you don't invite her to a wedding that you have invited everyone else to, she still brings a gift. She's also super super humble. She is so willing to give other people all the credit for things she's done. Sometimes when they weren't even involved at all. Plus she's always fixing everyone's lives, and helping everyone else using her unique skill set, and asking for so little in return. Just...GUH. Best friend ever. You should all plot with her. More details can be found at her journal. Like how she's a chaotic little nutcase who produces reality tv, and touches the lives of celebrities and kindergarteners. Oh and she has like 23489384938 unclaimed children, so if you want any of your critters to have fathered one of hers, we can talk.
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Tuesday, April 10th, 2012

Hey! This is Kel (again) with a new critter on the block! He's a Celt by the name of Cernunnos (didn't I warn you?) and he's kind of a hippie. He is the god of fertility, woodlands, wealth, and reincarnation. He's also the Lord of Animals, and he's got a few other hobbies, too, so you could say he's got his fingers in a lot of patronage pies. But he concentrates on the Lord of Animals title, and the protection of the natural world. He's a pretty good guy, all things considered,, and he's been around since... pretty much forever. He pre-dates the Druids, and got inherited into their pantheon, so he kinda knows who's who and what's what. But most of the time he's off playing park ranger in Cades Cove, which is part of the Great Smokey Mountains National Park in Tennessee, although he can be wherever you need him to be.
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Heya! This is Jan bringing back PERSEPHONE, because I am weak and Nae and Ali are made of a ridiculous amount of win. I've changed her history a fair bit again. You can read most of it here. I'd like to keep a few of the lines I had the last time around if you'll have me. If not, we can make new ones! Huzzah! She now spends 8 months above and 4 months below. So I believe she's above around now. She's okay with it, but not as ecstatic about it as she used to be. Open to all plots.

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Thursday, April 5th, 2012

Oh hi!

I'm Nae. I hope there are no objections. *cymbal crash* ....I'm also kind of punny.

Anyway, I am new! I used to be an RP maven, for years on years, but then I had to quit in order to be a diligent good student and knock out seven intense semesters in a row. But then I was done, and I saw this place, and it tempted me with its mythological goodness, and talented players, and snatched me right out of retirement with its promises of writing ambrosia. So here I am. Feel free to hit me up on AIM at Deadspyscrawls anytime. I'm nice! I promise!

Oh and this is Hades. You might have heard of him, and if you haven't, someday you definitely will. He rules the Greek pantheon Underworld, and springtime makes him grumpy. He likes sunsets, and long walks on the beach, and ruling over your souls. Okay, I lied. He doesn't like long walks on the beach. Too many jellyfish, and no matter how hard you try you can never quite get all the sand out of your shoes. But you should plot with him anyway! So he likes you and doesn't hit you upside the head with his magick death stick. Just saying!
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Sunday, March 25th, 2012

Hey, y'all!

I'm Kel, and I'm brand-spanking-new.

And this fella is Deimos. He's from the Greek Pantheon, one-half of twin sons of Aphrodite and Ares. His brother is Phobos, and they're both usually found hanging out wherever Mom or Dad is, especially Dad. Given that he's a rowdy little guy, likes to start fights and arguments, he's not always the most fun to be around, but in his mellow moments, he's an okay kid. He likes to pretend he didn't get much from his mother's side, but he really did. And he loves her, so there's that. Right now, Deimos lives in Los Angeles, pretending to be a fresh-out-of-college mortal living off Daddy's trust fund money and trying to behave himself. He's considering getting a dog, even. For his native pantheon, if anyone needs trouble started, he's a gun for hire. Trouble is, most people are happy being peaceful these days, so he sows fear and dread and terror wherever else he can.
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Friday, March 16th, 2012

Hello everyone. I'm Jewels and I'm completely new.

This is Athena. For anyone who doesn't know who she is, she's yet another kid of Zeus's except possibly one of the few people who actually likes her father. She's the goddess of wisdom and strategic war and a whole bunch of other things. So basically, she's really really smart, and likes to kick some ass. Though only if she thinks she's going to win. She doesn't fight for the sake of fighting, that's Ares' job.

She kind of goes back and forth between Mount Olympus and Earth. She likes acting like a mortal since she's very fond of them. And she used to be a virgin goddess a zillion years ago, but she's given that up. Sort of. Like there was twice a hundred years ago. She hasn't done it since, and doesn't know if she will again. But there is potential there if someone wants to claim to be the one who actually got her into bed.

Anyway, she's pretty friendly, until you make her mad of course.

If anyone has any questions or whatever, let me know. She is totally up for playing with whomever, whenever. I'm on AIM: andthecaseofthe

Give me all your plots!
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Monday, February 27th, 2012

Baaaaaa Following the lastest fad

Since everyone else is doing it, I will introduce my latest critter. Artemis is taking some time off. She didn't like to play much with others, so finding plots for her was getting tough. So I decided that I needed someone easier.

Which did not really happen.

Meet Vidar! Norse god of silence and revenge. He's a son of Odin, like everyone else. He's not much of a talker, but he is in the mood to get out and meet people. He is open to plots with any and all.

Silent Vidar and babbling Philotes would really be awesome. :-)
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Because Ali and Kate had to start it....

Here is my latest newcomer. I have dropped Sif and picked up Hermes.

That's right. You heard me. Tereesa now has a Greek!!!

All his info is in his journal. He's a quirky fellow, prone to mischief, but also quite the charmer. The number of wives he is attributed with is growing, yet none of them have involved any actual ceremonies.

So anyway, let me know if you are going to want to play with Hermes.

Oh, yeah, he's going to be fun!
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Since Ali got the ball rolling...


Her app is in her journal, and as usual, it's friendslocked. But I think I've got you all added now. Silly friends button is being difficult these days.

But a quick overview... Rosmerta is a goddess of abundance and fertility, her name means the Great Provider. So she doesn't just do agriculture, but abundance in general. She's a bit of a smart ass, but she's got a fairly generous nature. So she might flay you with her tongue for being an absolute moron, but if you truly needed her help, she'd probably still give it to you. And never let you forget the favor she did for you, despite the fact that you're an idiot.

She is also a Gaulish goddess, so technically she's in the Celtic pantheon, but she feels like she's not really part of it because when the Romans came along, she was pretty much assimilated into their worship. With the help of her "husband," Mercury. She didn't really marry him, but she has no problem letting people think that if it gets her remembered. Besides, she was very fond of Mercury, despite him sticking his wiener all over the place. (Seriously, Hermes, what was with the penis statues everywhere?)

Which brings up an interesting facet to Rosmerta. She knew the Roman pantheon. Given that we at DDC have always defaulted to the earlier version of a pantheon, in this instance we all agree that the Romans were really just the Greeks with a bit more attitude and new names, she's going to have a tendency to call the Greeks by their Roman names. Those are the ones she remembers better, and for some of those she didn't meet or didn't know well, she might be REALLY confused by not being able to immediately place them and their relationships to people she thinks she knows.

Also? She needs plot. :D PLOT!
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Sunday, February 26th, 2012

Hey hey hey hey heyyyy

Since I totally didn't have this ready before my keeping post, it's me Ali! Bringing Ninlil back! (Also new PB!) She's the Sumerian Goddess of Wind, who shares her powers with her husband Enlil. She's also Nanna and Nergal's mommy! CUE HUGS.

She needs tons of plots with the Sumerians! As well as plots to meet other people!


Sigh, if only. So yes hello!
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Friday, February 24th, 2012

Plotty Plotty Plot Plot Plot

So, with the reset around the corner, I thought it time I poke you guys for some plot ideas. I have dropped the Neikea and am keeping the others: Enyo, Frigg, Harmonia, Iris, Loki and Zeus. Frigg has a new pb, Rachel Weisz. So does Harmonia... no more h00r Tara Reid. Now she's Kate Hudson.

I'm also bringing back Thoth ([info]mr_ibis). Which, thanks to, I am going to eternally say like his name is being said by someone with a lisp. You may or may not remember him when I played him last. He's an old Egyptian god of a whole lot of things. See his profile in his journal for details.

Now, Plot! I have some stuff figured out with some of you for stuff to start with right out of the restart gate. But Zeus and Enyo will definitely need DDC plots. Everyone is open for HDC plots.

Annnnnddddd, I'm so open for ideas for future plots. I have a humongous list of future plots ideas going and would love to add more to it. What do you want to do with my critters? What did you always want to do, but it just didn't work within the confines before?

Note about Loki and Harm: I'm rebooting them completely. Loki is going to back in the cave, bound to the rock by the entrails of he and Sigyn's son -Narvi. Harmonia is going back to the Elysian Fields. If you want to plot with them it would probably need to be HDC until I get them out and about again. Which, won't take long. Don't fret.

So, comment! AIM! Whatev! LET'S PLOT!

~ Dawn
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Sunday, February 5th, 2012

Introductions, please!

Hi, it's Tereesa with a new Nord. This is Tyr, the God of War, Justice and Order.

So what do you need to know about him? Well, for starters he only has one hand, sacrificing the other to the jaws of Fenrir for the sake of Asgard. He is a soft spoken man most of the time, and doesn't let himself get too close to anyone else emotionally. He is not concerned with the law so much as what is right, and he will use his sword to defend his notions of justice. He is the son of Odin and a Giantess, and younger brother to Thor. The rest of his info can be found in his journal.

With the game reboot, I am not too concerned with previous history, and I probably won't be posting too much from him until after that happens. However, he is already in the Masquerade Ball.
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Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

Alright, so Bill here again with Thor. I didn't quite realize how much I missed this big guy until I brought Phobos, so yeah. (Norse) Thunder returns.

I haven't quite decided what he has been up to since the last time I have played him, but killing frost giants is always fun and generic enough so I may go that route. Haven't quite decided yet.

Anyway..."If you had important interaction with this character in the past, please reply to this post and tell me about the history of those interactions."

As far as plot goes, he does have a wife he should probably cross paths with, and things with Loki are always amusing. I'd like to do something with Odin, Frigg, and the rest of the Pantheon as well at some point, though again, no concrete ideas yet. When I have something of actual relevance, I'll post it then!

Until then, I look forward to playing with you all.
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Monday, June 13th, 2011

So... for those who may or may not remember me, I am Bill, returning once more. The last time I was here I disappeared, and for that I apologize. To those players who had to deal with that fall out, I offer up Fae to be whipped and flogged (she'll probably enjoy it).

Anyway, this is Phobos, unchanged from the last time that I had him. I have a fairly good head on where he was and who he knew in the last round, but I know there are new characters, and players (I don't think he was played since I had him?), so:

"If you had important interaction with this character in the past, please reply to this post and tell me about the history of those interactions."

As far as where he is at now? Mostly brooding. And hating on Hate. Because in this game, that's actually possible. The last scene I had him in involved a losing fight against Nergal, so I am thinking he has lain low since recovering from that, healing his wounds and his pride. If anyone otherwise wants to fill in the gaps between then and now, hit me up.
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Thursday, June 2nd, 2011

It's Good to Be The King

So. Hi.

First, a goodbye. Skadhi has been notoriously difficult to write lately. Mostly because I made her such a heinous bitch that no one wanted to be in a thread with her. Even Enyo has more personality than Skadhi did. It's my own fault, really. But, the spell Eros put on her is removed thanks to Aphrodite, so if anyone decides to pick her up, they can go in with a clean slate. I have, as of immediately, dropped Skadhi from DDC.

Now, a hello. Welcome back to Zeus. I feel bad that I was mostly keeping this secret for so long, and it's really been quite a long time since I first considered him, but I didn't want to get too many people's hopes up in case I didn't follow through with it.

I wanted a challenging character to write and boy howdy, did I find it. But I am thrilled to bring Zeus back to DDC and am willing to embrace the challenge of a character with so much history in myth and in game.

So, without further ado:

If you had important interaction with this character in the past, please reply to this post and tell me about the history of those interactions.

Please do. There's so much in game history I don't know what y'all want to keep.

Oh, and this is Dawn. Hi hi!
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Tuesday, May 24th, 2011

The Return of Styxxxxiiieeee!!!

I am so excited!

If you had any previous interactions with this character, fret not, because I already know about it! That's right, peoples! But if you feel compelled to say what your character is thinking about Styxie, I would totally dig on getting a base line.

Yay for Styxie!! I can't wait to play her with you again!

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Monday, May 23rd, 2011

New character

Hi everyone. Tereesa here with another character. It's Odin this time, if you couldn't tell by the patch he's sporting. The ruler of Asgard has returned.

I don't know that there is much I can tell you about him in this little post that most of you won't already know. Odin is the head of the Norse pantheon, husband to Frigg, father to Hermod and Thor, among others, and god of whole bunches of stuff. I am currently leaning this character more toward his Wanderer and Wisdom aspects, though I am sure all of them will come into play at some point. Odin is too multifaceted to try to stuff into a can. Again, check out his journal for more info.

Now for the REALLY important part: If you had important interaction with this character in the past, please reply to this post and tell me about the history of those interactions. I know there is tons of history in game with him, and I'd like to hear all about it, so we can determine what we would like to keep.
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