Feb. 28th, 2011


Who: Carlton Lassiter ... and apparently everyone else.
Where: Arcadia Proper
What: Wandering around town, and hijinks!
When: Sunday, February 28th
Rating: TBD
Status: Open, Incomplete

Naturally, it was maddening chaos. )

Feb. 21st, 2011


Who: Elena Gilbert & Irma Ardeen
Where: Dorms
What: Intropost!
When: Monday, February 21, 2011
Rating: TBD
Status: Open, Incomplete

So it was a little more than disconcerting when she woke up in a dorm room. )

Feb. 20th, 2011


WHO: Clark Kent & John Smith
WHERE: The rooftop of the dorm.
WHEN: Sundown.
WHAT: Clark used to be good at flying.

Contrary to popular belief, Superman did not learn to fly in a day.  )

Feb. 19th, 2011


WHO: Buffy Summers and Angel (and anyone else who's feeling like running into these two)
WHEN: Friday Night.
WHERE: The Arcadia Cemetery.
WHAT: Old habits die hard.

It was Friday night and usually Buffy would be doing one of two things: hanging out at the Bronze with Willow or patrolling. )

Feb. 10th, 2011


WHO Alfred Bester and Imra Ardeen
WHAT curiosity probably won't kill the telepath
WHEN Thursday evening
WHERE Common Lounge

If there was one thing to be said... )


WHO Imra/closed narrative
WHAT Waking up and all that
WHEN Wednesday Morning
WHERE The hall outside her room.

She really loved this kind of thing. )

Feb. 8th, 2011


WHO: Carlton Lassiter and Shawn Spencer
WHAT: Brand New World, with no Smoothies or Sunglasses.
WHEN: Tuesday afternoon
WHERE: Arcadia
RATING: PG-13 at the most
STATUS: In Progress

There was nothing more grating on Lassiter's nerves than a feeling of helplessness. )


WHO: Carlton Lassiter and Emma Frost
WHAT: Preliminary meeting of sorts.
WHEN: Tuesday evening
WHERE: A study room
RATING: PG-13 at the most
STATUS: Complete

A meeting of minds. )

Feb. 7th, 2011


WHO: Gabriel, Shawn Spencer.
WHAT: Waking up in a really weird afterlife!
WHEN: Day one, before the announcement.
WHERE: Bates Motel Elysian Fields Hotel & Room 3A.
STATUS: In Progress.

Gabriel had gone into battle with the expectation that he was going to die. )

Feb. 5th, 2011


WHO: The Doctor + NPC's (Amy & Rory) OPEN TO Clark Kent (if interested)
WHAT: Seeing the honeymooners off and then it all falls to bits.
WHEN: 44th Century, then current Arcadia time
WHERE: Unnamed spaceport, TARDIS, Arcadia
STATUS: Narrative (Incomplete?)

Without Rory and Amy, even for these few minutes in his extensive lifeā€”he felt a fleeting pang of loneliness strike his dual hearts, echoing in the relative quietness of his extraordinary time machine. )


WHO: Carlton Lassiter (open to Angel?)
WHAT: Waking up in 'Pan-Land'
WHEN: Just after he sees Shawn and Juliet together.
WHERE: SBPD Station/His and Angel's dorm room.
STATUS: Complete

It could have been any day - Spencer babbling to O'Hara about pancakes. )


Who: Zatanna Zatara (open to Wanda, if she's game?)
What: Waking up
When: Friday, just before the assembly
Where: Backstage, then her dorm room
Status: In Progress

An impressive trick, even by Zee's standards. )

Feb. 4th, 2011


Who: Alfred Bester
What: In a prison cell, and then not
When: 2281 and the present
Where: Geneva, Earth
Status: Narrative/Complete

In prison, most days are the same )


WHO: John Locke (and his roommate Alfred Bester, if Sly is interested!)
WHAT: Waking up.
WHEN: Shortly before the assembly.
WHERE: Their room.
RATING: PG13 for mentions of violence and murder.

Wake up, Neo. The Matrix has you. )


batman & lightning lad

WHO: Bruce Wayne & Garth Ranzz
WHAT: Waking up in their dorm room.
WHEN: Friday; before assembly.
WHERE: Room 1D
RATING: PG-13 tops.

this was not what he'd expected when he got on the plane )

Jan. 17th, 2009



for [info]panhigh's eyes only.