22 August 2009 @ 03:49 pm
Who: Sam and dean Winchester!
Where: The Library
When: Mid-Afternoon
Why: To talk,Maybe more?
Open: Sure but let them talk for a bit.
Rating: NC-17,Sam is going dark side.

You get me closer to god. )
19 August 2009 @ 05:09 pm
Who: Christy Jenkins, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester *But open to others that would be up that early*
Where: bathhouse
When: 6 Am
Rating: Pg-13 *Deans here*

Dean was walking down to the bathhouse to meet Sam. He was in his sweat pants and a t-shirt of Sam's because he was to lazy to find his own. As he approached he waved at his brother who was cleaning himself up and already there. "Sammy god that was the best thing that ever happened me so far here. Damn she's a wild firecracker."

Dean nudge his brother playfully and smiled.
18 August 2009 @ 10:01 am
Who: Christy Jenkins, Dean Winchester (sooo closed)
Where: Dean's room
When: Unknown date, Unknown Time. It might be about 1am
Rating: NC-17 (Not for the immature to read. hahaha(BTW it's popping this comms NC-17 cherry haha))
Status: Complete

Tucking Him In. )
15 August 2009 @ 08:45 pm
Who: Leah Clearwater, Christy Jenkins, Dean Winchester, (closed)
Where: The Arched Hallway "The Beyond" Post group 2
When: Unknown date, Unknown Time. It might be about 6Pm
Rating: Pg-13 (Dean isn't trying to score kthnks. Though he wants to he isn't."

I'm waiting on the world to change  )
15 August 2009 @ 03:48 pm
Who: Alessa Gillespie, Balthier Bunansa, Barty Crouch jr, Christy Jenkins, Evey Hammond, Freddy Krueger, Gabriel Gray, Harley Quinn, Hera, Joker, Mono, Selene, V and Lily Rush
Where: The Arched Hallway "The Beyond"
When: Unknown date, Unknown Time. It might be about 6am.
Weather: Hot, Muggy, Sticky 90°
NOTE: No Posting Order!

Feel sick, do you? )