Pandora's Box OOC

April 2012



February 28th, 2012



Game summary - November 17, 2003

Date Change:
No nightmares but there's terror enough going around.

Early Morning:
The Daily Prophet reports on a suicide as well as gives a reminder about the upcoming Fall Festival.

6:30 AM
Daphne shows up at work with a hangover; Ernie lets her have it.

9:45 AM
The head of the DoM owls Ron inquiring about Hermione's whereabouts.

10:05 AM
Ron owls Percy, worried about Hermione.

10:30 AM
Terry checks in on Dean.

11:13 AM
Anthony owls Terry about Michael's disappearance.

12:00 PM
Agatha checks in on Samara.

1:00 PM
Percy follows up with Zacharias with this DA business.

1:30 PM
Ernie and Ron talk work - Ernie's a bit worried about everything that's been going on.

2:15 PM
Adrian sends Melinda an owl to check in with her and arrange a date.

2:20 PM
Theodore sends Percy an urgent owl. He then shows up to fix Percy's non-existent problem.

3:00 PM
Lavender reports to Agatha that Fenrir has Michael.

5:00 PM
George goes to visit Dean at Mungo's.

6:00 PM
After Marietta gets Zacharias to leave, she finally gets back at Hermione like she's always wanted, with Jaynedora's help.
Eli follows-up on his experiment with Roger.

6:30 PM
Anthony and Terry get together and try to figure out why Michael's been so quiet lately.

7:13 PM
Michael tries to escape reality, but that's not working so well.

Let me know if there are any glaring errors that need fixing.

[No Subject]

Alright kiddos, here's your fair warning that next Tuesday, March 6th, Mass Effect 3 is going to come out in the US and that means that Emmie is going to become a bit sparse in game. Yeah, I'm not kidding. I've been waiting for this game over about two years and 183 hours of gameplay spread over two previous games with two separate game saves of both a male and female renegade and paragon Shepard... so yeah, I'm just a little bit obsessed with this trilogy.

My Collector's Edition copy will be in my hands probably during my lunch hour and then I'll be sitting down to play come 4:37pm (the second I get home from work) and probably not stopping for the entire first couple of nights, but after that I'll try to tag as much as possible and I will tag at work when I have the time, of course. I have Spring Break (yay working for a school!) from March 13 - March 17 so I will have some more free time that week to do things in game as well as play more ME3, so that's good as well. :D

So this is a semi-hiatus for the next couple of weeks, but not exactly.

- Emmie
(Michael, Marietta, Samara, Ron)

New Character!

Hey guys! It's Lily!

I bring you Parvati Patil. She co-owns a tea/divination shop in Diagon Alley with her twin sister. She's also pureblood, a seer, and a Gryffindor!

Let me know what you think for character interactions!





So in light of people posting about going away or being slow, we thought we'd give you guys a glimpse at our upcoming plot timetable. Because people? There is some serious plot a-coming and it's coming to a head during the Fall Festival. This is big big Jaynedora plot, so it's gonna be somewhat epic.

Convenient Table )

So the big plot days will be the game days Friday November 21 and Saturday November 22. In real time that's the last two weeks of March. (Mind you we counted Sunday-Saturday even though you guys still have most of Sunday to wrap up what went on the week before).

We're telling you this now so that you can let us know if you won't be around or so you can be sure you are. As it gets closer, we'll give you more info, but for now?