Pandora's Box RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Pandora's Box RPG

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[May. 8th, 2009|10:51 pm]
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Who: Stephen Capper & Padma Patil
What: An actual meeting. Frenchie-bashing and Guinness drinking
Where: Obscurus Book Launch
When: Friday 8th May, 7.30pm
Status: In Progress

Stephen didn't exactly make a habit of accepting invitations to attend various events from random women )
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owl to padma patil [May. 7th, 2009|08:25 pm]
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To: Padma Patil
From: Stephen Capper


Some chocolate biscuits, as promised! Enid has assured me that these aren't broken and that they also haven't been tramped by a Niffler lucky you!
I hope you enjoy them!


[enclosed is a tin of chocolate biscuits]
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