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Owl to Michael Corner [May. 7th, 2009|04:26 pm]

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To: Michael Corner
From: Padma Patil


I've just gotten the Prophet. They really saw the Dark Mark? I mean, I know there's a photograph and everything, but... After fifth year, I never know if I can trust the Prophet.

I suddenly want to go home to Brick Lane and visit mama and papa.

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one-shot - michael corner [May. 7th, 2009|03:52 pm]

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Who: Michael Corner and NPCed Aurors
What: The DMLE receives word of the missing family's bodies found, and they apparate to the spot to investigate. Michael has a horrible feeling of nostalgia but must keep himself whole to continue his job.
Where: Muggle residences in Didsbury, Manchester
When: Thursday afternoon
Status: Complete

His stomach gave a flop and memories of his seventh year came rushing in )
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