Pandemansion: A Pan Fandom RPG's Journal -- Day
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Pandemansion: A Pan Fandom RPG

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[07 Jul 2008|12:55pm]
April 17th, year unknown, place unknown.


DJ Motormouth Maybelle Stubbs

The snow has finally melted, leaving small puddles throughout the mansion. The temperatures are back to normal, mid to high 70's. A light breeze is coming from the north, making the palms rustle ever so softly.

Everything is calm, and peaceful inside the mansion.

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[07 Jul 2008|10:29pm]
Who? Doctor and Open
What? The Doctor looking for his TARDIS
When? April 17 afternoon
Where? The Entrance Fountain
Rating: G for now!
Status: Progress

Finding the TARDIS )

60 caused pandemonium|cause some pandemonium?

[ viewing | July 7th, 2008 ]
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