Pandemansion: A Pan Fandom RPG's Journal -- Day
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Pandemansion: A Pan Fandom RPG

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April 16th, Takato and OTA [06 Jul 2008|04:52pm]
Who?: Takato and OTA
What?: Snowball fight!
When?: Afternoon
Where?: Outside
Rating?: G
Status? In progress

“Ahhh!” exclaimed Takato as a snowball slammed into his face, right between his goggle-covered eyes.

“Got you, Takatomon!” yelled Guilmon happily.

How does he make and throw these anyway!? thought Takato. His hands are just claws!

It was actually rather amazing that that was Takato’s main concern at the moment. The past few days had been weird. Even weirder than normal. Several days ago, the mansion had, for some reason, thought it was Valentine’s Day. Rather, Valentine’s Days. There had been two. Guilmon had actually been hit, and oddly enough, had become totally infatuated with a TV. Takato guessed that because Guilmon was made of data, electronics counted as something (someone, maybe?) to fall in love with. Go figure.

It was good, too, because it distracted Takato from thinking of his own crush. He remembered Kazu once calling Valentine’s “Singles Awareness Day.” For Takato, that ended up leading to not only thoughts of Jeri, but all his other friends that weren’t there. He had noticed lots of people that appeared to know each other showing up, even if, from what he had heard, some of them wanted to kill each other. That had got him hoping that another Tamer would show, but so far there was no one.

However, to the gogglehead’s horror, Jeri hadn’t been the only girl on his mind. Another girl, or rather, another woman, went through his head occasionally too. Ever since his little “mistake” with the rooms, Takato hadn’t been able to face his neighbor, Fred. After all… how do you talk to someone after running into their room, jumping into their bed (with them IN IT), screaming, and running out? It was all very confusing.

After that, it had oddly become Christmas. Guilmon had been very excited to find snow around the copy of his shed in Takato’s room. Takato, on the other hand, just thought it was cold. It had been quite a relief to find that his closet had suddenly provided him with clothes for the situation. Once he was changed, the pair had gone outside in the snow and made snowmen (Guilmon insisted they were, in fact, snowmon) and had several snowball fights.

And so far, today was the about the same. For that, Takato was grateful. It was a nice distraction from all his worries, out here having fun with Guilmon.

Even if he cheats by digging under the snow AND the ground all the time… thought the boy as went to throw a snowball, only to find Guilmon had done just that. Takato stood ready to strike, surveying his surroundings carefully, when, suddenly…


A crimson colored dinosaur burst from the snow to his right, tackling him to the ground. Takato let out a yelp in surprise before they both fell to the ground, laughing. It had been a while since they had had this much fun. But suddenly, Guilmon stopped laughing, and looked up from where he was laying on top of his Tamer with an inquisitive look.

“Takatomon, someone’s here,” said Guilmon.

Takato tried to look, but because Guilmon was still on top of him, he ended up tilting his head in a way that would have been looking to the sky, had he been standing. As it were, everything just looked upside down instead.

“Um…hey there.”

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