Oct. 31st, 2007


A Tale of One (Two, Three) Boys (Kishimoto/Mitani)

Title: A Tale of One (Two, Three) Boys
Fandom: Hikaru no Go
Pairing: Kishimoto/Mitani, vague hints to Mitani/Shindou
Rating: PG
Words: ~5600
Summary: Mitani meets Shindou, and then he meets Kishimoto.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Hikaru no Go. The title is of course a reference to A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens.
A/N: Thank you to [info]mu51ng_drag0n for inspiring the pairing, to [info]verloren1983 for making me sign up for [info]blind_go, to [info]lenta_85 for spell-checking and to [info]aiwritingfic for the awesome beta which made this fic so much better. Originally posted here, this version has one very minor edit. lots of grammar editing, thanks to [info]viridian_magpie!