Jul. 31st, 2007


An Introduction

Hello! I'm Poleva and I am a Slavic pagan/heathen from the East Coast of the U.S. I try to be as authentic as I can be in my practice but I am not a reconstructionist. There's so little info available on pre-Christian Slavic religions that it's a bit difficult to truly reconstruct anything. There is more info available in Russian and I am slowly learning to read it but it's going to take a while before I am fluent enough to understand the texts that are available (and then there's the matter of how expensive some of the more academic and hard to find books are - another obstacle.) So most of my actual practices and beliefs are a result of a lot of reading, a lot of prayer, and a lot of UPG. My focus is on Eastern Slavic beliefs (Russian and Ukrainian mostly) but I also take inspiration from Polish (and, to a lesser extent, Prussian) traditions as that is where a good portion of my family is from.

I have a LiveJournal (under the name of bezcenny) but I am most active here at IJ - I am really starting to love InsaneJournal - and I hope to see this community grow! It will be nice to chat with other pagans.

To the mod: you asked for interest suggestions. Perhaps you could add Slavic paganism?
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Jun. 9th, 2007



Welcome to [info]paganism!

I created this community because I noticed a lack of asylums/communities about paganism. I am not a pagan myself, but rather someone who is searching for a spiritual path. Hopefully, as more people join, we'll have members of all sorts of pagan religions.

If any members have suggestions for interests, let me know and I'll add them. Also, if anyone who is actually Pagan would like to help me moderate the community, let me know.

January 2009



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