Sirius/James Fan Community

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8/13/07 01:42 pm - [info]moshesque - Welcome note!

Hi to the members of [info]padfoot_prongs!

I should have done this a long time ago, but welcome aboard everyone! It's really great to see you here. You're all welcome to start posting your James/Sirius fanworks, whether they're new or old - it's all welcome here. It'd be great to get a few more posts, a few more things to see and ogle. :)

There are a handful of rules on the community profile page now, so when you get a chance please check them out. Nothing too drastic, but I want to keep this place running smoothly.

Lastly, I've just put up a slightly nicer looking layout. The art featured in the header is by Glockgal (glockgal@livejournal) and utterly gorgeous, I'm sure you'll agree. :)

If there are any problems or questions you can direct them at me, [info]moshesque (mod). ♥
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