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8/27/07 02:35 am - [info]zippityfeets - Sirius X James Drabble

Drabble: Save the Last Dance
Author: Zippityfeets
Rating: Mature
Disclaimer: I own nothing. I earn nothing. JKR owns all.
Word Count: 100.
Summary: Dancing together.
Author's Note: Please be gentle.

Save the Last Dance

You tried to beg off, but before you can get away, you’re dragged to the center of the empty classroom...

Sirius has wrapped himself around you like a cloak, and his Muggle music weaves in and around you, the woman’s voice singing of love and bringing you to the brink of tears without your understanding the obsession behind the need swelling between you. Sirius pulls you closer to an answering hardness and you sway together, thrusting against each other as passion takes you away to a place where no one can touch you or spoil this perfect oneness of body.


8/8/07 12:47 am - [info]zippityfeets - SiriusXJames

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