Mighty Morphin' Grownup Fans' Journal
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Sunday, June 15th, 2008

    Time Event
    Curse those lucky Brits!
    You're getting Power Rangers Dino Thunder: The Complete Series, Ninja Storm: The Complete Series, SPD: The Complete Series and Mystic Force: The Complete Series this summer.

    If you're thinking of importing, you will need a region-free DVD player. Lek and I have one (possibly two) and the chance to have all of Dino Thunder on proper DVDs is extremely tempting. Frustrating after buying the five DVDs that Disney saw fit to release here, but very, very tempting. (Also tempting are the German DVD box sets of old school PR, but the audio issues with some of those releases makes them not nearly as tempting.)

    I hope that Disney will notice how many people in North America are importing these and smack their foreheads and go, "Hey! We should release these in Region One, too!" But this is Disney we're talking about here, so the best we'll probably get is all of Jungle Fury on DVD, just like Operation Overdrive.

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