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Monday, September 3rd, 2007

    Time Event
    A never-before seen pitch reel for what became VR Troopers
    SirStack over at funaroboard posted this: The original, never before seen, pilot presentation for CYBERTRON.

    Yes, it's the show that went on to become VR Troopers. It's Jason David Frank in November 1993, playing a role destined to never be his by way of public demand. It's Doug Sloan as Tyler Steel, babyfaced and unassuming for what lie ahead of him as anything but an actor. It's Jamie Kennedy, long before he was a rich man's Seth Green, playing one half of a Bulk & Skull duo called Elmo & Scuzzy (in the scripts, Scuzzy went from being named Elvis to Cleetus). It's the gal who went on to play the Yellow Dark Ranger as Tao's niece! It's the same Tao, but kinda mixed with Prof. Hart! It's Gardner Baldwin as Cyrus Rikter, alias Grimlord! It's his son, Percy, not a nerd but a jock! It's a proto JB mixed with Albee named Mouse! (err, I think he might've been cut out of the presentation, but he IS on the full 10 minute mini-pilot which this pitch reel was made from, and will be posted maybe later this week). It's Mighty RAW's "Go Green Ranger" in its prototype form, except for a different JDF played character! It's Metalder, and nothing else extra! But sadly, though, no Jeb.

    And you can find it here for the time being: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Px52AkqelEk

    Full post with more information is here.

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