December 2010


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Nov. 16th, 2010



Glad to see you're all introducing yourselves so nicely. Welcome to OWL POST AGAIN, and lemme just say that the Mod Team is excited to have you guys here.

To get rid of some confusion that may have been floating about, here's how things are going: the main plot itself will be kicking off on December 5th OR once we hit fifteen players. That doesn't mean you can't play in the meantime, however- you can absolutely get started with character interaction! Throw things up in the forum, get your characters together and playing. See what sort of small plots you can stir up before the big ones start to hit. This time is yours to see how your kids will play together, get dynamics going with the other players before we take it to the big leagues.

We'll keep you updated with how things are going from our end; once apps start rolling in we can kick this up. IN THE MEANTIME, whore us out to your friends. It's a low-stress, drama-free community, and you don't have to have eight thousand years of experience to join- we're just trying to get some good RPers together for some good lines. People who are new to games, people who are new to IJ, people who are new to the concept of Harry Potter (I swear that last one doesn't exist SLASH is blasphemous) are all welcome to come and play.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with IJ and how games work here, a post will be put up in the Mod Journal later this week explaining some of the finer points.

Anyway. Keep calm and carry on!

-the mods-