November 26th, 2010

[info]as_a_bell in [info]owlpostagain

[Owl to G. Weasley]

Dear Ginny,

It's been a while. Too long! I hear you're making quite a name for yourself here at the Ministry. Driving a certain intern administrator up a wall? What do you say I take you out to lunch one day soon? I've missed chatting with my favorite pseudo-almost sister Weasley. How's Percy? Hope all is well.


[info]katiebell_ in [info]owlpostagain

[owl to a. johnson]


I've been wonderful lately, how about you? Yes, it most definitely has! Oh, hush it. Me and Oliver are defintiely going to beat you guys, without a doubt. Don't get /too/ down on yourself once we do, alright? :D

Oh, I'll definitely join you! It sounds like plenty fun. That sounds wonderful! You're always welcome in my flat, Angie. We definitely do. I miss you lots!
Respond when you get the chance,

Much love,