Dec. 29th, 2013



summary: a new patient arrives, likely delirious, suffering from delusions that she can cast magic. something seems not quite right since she appeared.

Merope was lifted off of the streets after her stillborn pregnancy that left her with a shred of her life left. The orphanage that she was located in said that she was suffering from post partum problems, she seemed to have lost her mind. When the ambulance came to pick her up, she had to be sedated and strapped down while they also attempted to stabilize her body from the shock she was showing. When she was moved to the ICU for mental patients, she was given her own room and monitored for most of the day while she was in and out of sleep.

She was someone who had, seemingly, lost control of her least temporarily.

The girl was described as spider like by other patients and people who worked at the asylum who saw her. The girl had the blackest of black hair, strange different coloured eyes, pale skin and clear marks of malnutrition and abuse due to the scars that were visible on her legs, some on her arms and one barely visible one on her cheek.

The head psychiatrist would need to have a discussion with her to see her psychosis.


