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Oct. 26th, 2009


New character to the fray

Wow, I shouldn't be this intimidated. my name is Frances and how's it hanging? -chuckles- Anyway, I'm playing Deadshot aka Floyd Lawton and the resident hit man for hire for anyone really. he's currently slumming around Gotham which is both his home city and the place his last hit took place. Really willing to do any kind of plot if one arises or if someone need his services (for the right bloody price of course) in Gotham preferably right now but if you got any ideas I loved to hear them and get this show on the road. As a note any of those looking to hire him its through e-mail or phone and to get any of Deadshot's info you have either dig or know a guy who knows a guy as the saying goes.

Oct. 25th, 2009


Carlin again...

Hey look! It's another teen added to the ranks. This particular teen is Todd Rice aka Obsidian aka Jade's brother aka Alan Scott's kid etcetc. He's currently living in Gateway City and works at a machine shop while trying to avoid his drunk dad and work up the courage to finally speak to his sister.

So plot is good. Obviously there will be Jennie/Todd plot and I do hope to get him onto the Titans along with his sister so there is potential plot there as well. Other than that, well... he doesn't have much money nor a huge amount of control over his flying to go on long trips but he does have the internet. So he can communicate via IM or blog. And, of course, he'll be meeting everyone his sister knows too. Give him love!

PS: I'm glad to be able to help Kelly out with the modding. While I am co-mod, I recommend you direct questions to her for now until the two of us can discuss what will be happening over the next few days. :)

Oct. 24th, 2009


Alright, I have my computer back (and devoid of all information from the past three years. I know I haven't been very active, I'll be striving to change that.

Oct. 22nd, 2009


Because I FAIL

Hey guys,

I'm sorry for my sudden dropping off the face of the earth like that. Life, it would seem, got in the way, thus causing me to be made of FAIL and fall behind in my rp stuff.

But I am back...and better than ever!

For those of you who don't know me (as I notice a couple of new faces around), I'm Allie, and I currently hold Lilith Clay (Omen, one of the lesser-known Titans), and Carol Ferris (also known as Star Sapphire, owner and CEO of Ferris Aircraft, and currently infatuated with the Green Lantern... who also happens to be one of her employees). Both pups are up for plot. Carol is currently in Coast City, working on a big PROJECT for FA and Lilith, last we saw her, was floating around in Gotham City, on her quest to discover her true origins.

For Lilith, Titans stuff, yes, no, maybe? Are we still doing Titans stuff?

And as for Carol, I'm planning on starting the plot in which she become the sexy, hot, femme-fatal villain Star Sapphire! Which as I've seen bits and snips of getting the Injustice Society going, I'm looking forward to do having her brainwashed by the powers of LURVE.

Any thoughts? Ideas?

Feel free to hit me up either here for plot, or on AIM at awesomelymusical or email at!


Oct. 21st, 2009


Hello and good to meet you

Hello all,

I'm Wiccy and I will be playing Diana of Themyscira AKA Wonder Woman! I had to adjust/consolidate her back story a little for this game so be sure to take a look at that, you can find it on her Profile page. I am eager to get playing in this game!

I am a HUGE Wonder Woman/Superman shipper so if our Supes player is willing the more romantic connection and nature of their relationship is something I would definitely be willing to explore for the game. I'm also looking forward to getting some interaction in with the kid sis!

If anyone has plot ideas or whatnot to involve Diana let me know! I'm up for just about anything really as long as it's in keeping with the spirit of the character!

Anywhozzle, that's all I have right now, can't wait to start playing with you all!

Oct. 20th, 2009



I have AIM, I have AIM!!

Well, not really. I mean, I always had a screen name but I can't run the client on my computer for some reason.

Anyway, now gchat is letting me run AIM, so... yes.

Right. So when you get an invite from "bether is here"-- that's me. Er, if they do invites? I dunno, but I just added you all.

(It has been such a long time, AIM. SUCH A LONG TIME.)

Oct. 19th, 2009


Hey there again

Hey there again everybody. I know I just got started with the Psycho Pirate, but I got an itch to create another character and came up with Donna Troy. Wonder Woman's kid sister....well depending on which DC universe we're talking about lol. But for the purposes of the game she's is Diana's sister, and a member of the Teen Titans. She's basically got the same powers that WW has but less experience, and she's been out of earths orbit for the last 7 years or so. I've got her based in Boston and hopefully she'll get the chance to meet up with Diana soon. In the mean time if the other titans wanna hang, or there's villain out there that wants to test her skills she's more than up for some fun. She's played by the lovely Missy Peregrym. (I had a hell of time trying to figure out a PB by the way.) Anyway see you guys later.

Oct. 14th, 2009


just to let y'all know...I'm having some trouble with my computer. It's heading to the Apple Store tomorrow(and I'm hoping and praying that the hard drive hasn't become you know how many logs I have saved on there?! Using my parents' dinosaur of a Gateway, so I don't know how much I'll be on over the next few days, but I'll try to keep up. See y'all soon.


New Player

Hey everyone! I'm Rachel and I know approximately half of you here from other games, so that's kind of nice!

Anyways, I've just joined and I've brought a Huntress along with me. You can read all about her over here!

Crazy Italians with their revenge schemes and cross bows *shakes head* I am looking forward to her meeting up with people running around in Gotham. I haven't decided much about her masking shenanigans yet as I'm not sure of the mask situation in Gotham.

Feel free to PM me here, email me at or AIM me at sinisteraglets! It's great to be here!

Oct. 13th, 2009


Hey everybody, I'm Tim a newbie to the game. I bring you the Psycho Pirate played by Milo Ventimiglia. The Psycho Pirate is probably the worlds worst villain. He's a lousy fighter, and a monstrously insecure person. He's got a handy dandy mask that gives him the power to control other peoples emotions, but even that isn't enough to make him a worth opponent for the superheroes out there. In short he's a basket case, and most people feel sorry for him. Characters like that are so much fun to play. LOL

I'm up for plotting with people anytime. So just hit me up on AIM or send me a message and we can talk. Later guys.

Oct. 12th, 2009



So I figure it might be a good time to make a list of possible plot my characters. Get some ideas going for those interested. Just comment and we'll work on plotting things out. :D

Cut to save your F-lists )

Oct. 5th, 2009


Carlin here. Again. So, uh, onto character number five. This, my friends, is Sebastian Faust and he's shibby. Some comics you can find him in include: Outsiders vol.2, Day of Judgment and Black Baptism.

Quick rundown is he's the son of Felix Faust - a very long-lived mage who has come into conflict with the JSA and JLA. When he was a child, the elder Faust sold his son's soul to the demon Nebiros in exchange for limitless magical power. He, however, was tricked and the demon gave it to Sebastian instead. So he has magical powers and occult knowledge, but he doesn't have a soul. Which means he's morally ambiguous and probably not on most people's good side. For a little over a decade now he's been helping those that seek his expertise and basically just being a loner the rest of the time.

So plot would be awesome :D Also? People should pick up magic users! We can make our own Sentinels of Magic!

Oct. 3rd, 2009


Rules Update & Plotting Post

Hey Guys!

I was going to up the character limit to five, but I don't like odd numbers that much so it is now six. Standard disclaimers apply: If you want to have six -- awesome! But please be active with the ones you have, and try and spread out your affiliations and the like.

Now onto the plotting part of the post . . . Injustice League. We should have one. I'm thinking that Monday maybe they could have some sort of get together? Or perhaps we could do it a little later in the week if you wanted to RP out Lex contacting your characters? Just let me know in the comments!

ALSO, suggestions on what you want the JLA to face next would be appreciated :D .

Sep. 30th, 2009


I'm so sorry I haven't been more active! And I'm terrible about IMing people. But this post isn't about my lack of social skills, it's about the fact that intrepid investigative reporter Lois Lane needs someone to talk to. Takers?


Who's that? It's-a me, Mario!

All right, after dropping off the face of the earth, I'm back! Yay! Plas and Aquaman (and possibly Livewire too!) will all be jumping on the soon, and if anyone wants to plot, drop me an email!

Sep. 28th, 2009


"Gimme a Zee!"

Heya, Beth here with my last one! (Thank God, I hate these things.) It's the lovely and talented Miss Zatanna Zatara!

Her whole story can be found here but she's still your basic top hat wearing magician.

Anyway, here's the gist--
Zatanna's a stage performer from a magical family. Her childhood was basically split into two parts. The first part was spent with her dad (she doesn't remember her mum at all, though she has a few of her things) living the life of a performer and learning about magic. The second part was spent in foster care when she was cursed to be unable to see her father. Besides the government involvement, she lived a relatively normal life until eighteen (and hated almost every minute of it).

She began performing at eighteen and discovered her magical abilities at twenty-one. John Constantine came to advise her (stolen from Alan Moore's Swamp Thing what?) and she learned about the magical world. They got a bit hot and heavy and he helped her break the curse and find her father. Constantine left after that to advise another and their relationship ended. Zee and her father teamed up on stage and off as he continued her magical education. When Constantine called in a favor to stop the Great Evil Beast, Zee's dad died saving her. (She hasn't forgiven him for that, either.)

Zatanna returned to performing and such but she wanted more of a thrill in her life. Enter: The Justice League of America. Zee found 'em and basically hung around until she got membership (hey, her powers are useful). She can't really fight well without her powers... at all. And it doesn't help that she's used to fighting mostly magical type things. She's kind of fabulous but knows it and sees life as more of a game than she really ought to.

But that's what makes her fun! No mind-wiping angst (and there never will be).

So-- Justice League members? Magical type people? Villains? I am game to play with you all! :D I sort of love what Paul Dini did with Zee and Bruce, having them meet when they both were young. And I gave Zee a crush on Barry, partly cuz it's canon and partly for the lolz. (He's just got ladies falling all over him!) Beyond that, I don't have much but I'm ready to plot and whatnot!

Also, she thinks her mother's dead when actually she's still living somewhere in Turkey with the Homo Magi. So at some point the Justice League could plot with that? Just an idea for an interesting non-villain threat type thing. :)

All my contact info is here but, as always, the best way to reach me is by email-- since I don't have AIM. (Still, I know! But my gchat is made of fail with connecting to AIM!)

Okay, ramble off! (And for the last time! :D)


So this now has its very own OOC post :D

Hero Network Plotting )

Sep. 25th, 2009


^___^ Guess who's back? I just got my adapter today. *does a happy dance*

This means that I am available for posting and playing and plotting. Hit me up here or via email if you'd like to plot. I'm still not around much on AIM, but yeah. I am available.

So if you'd like to play with Ace, Blackfire or Hotstreak, let me know.


Okay guys:

Cutting because this got long and rambly )

Sep. 24th, 2009


Calling All Titans!

(Or watch Beth abuse the OOC comm terribly!)

Right! So there's been some turnover and new characters and whatnot and I get the distinct impression the Titans formation has gotten a little... stagnent.

So here's what I know:
--) Raven's gone around asking for help from young heroes; everyone has basically told her no (except Robin and Jayna but that got handwave-y, so it's a bit... uncertain details-wise)
--) Jade (Raven's roommate) has met Jayna, Speedy and Kid Flash, who Raven hasn't approached (yet?)
--) Raven and Jade hate St. Elias with a passion, therefore have lots of time to talk and plot their escape

So here's what I'm thinking--
What if Jade and Raven chat and sort of think, like, hey maybe we should get the cool kid heroes we know together and train or something before that demon guy comes? And we could even practice on other villains and stuff! It'd totally give us something to do that isn't here.

Then Raven can buzz Robin and Jayna (who can poke Zan) and Jade can call Speedy and Kid Flash (and maybe Green Lantern of the Kyle variety?) and they can start getting their shit together.

And if anyone else wants in-- Superboy, Spoiler, Omen, Blackfire, Static, etc.-- there are a few ways we could do that. (1) Raven can come to you and be like, "Dad is evil. Fight him with me? We have a team..." (2) Someone else on the team meets up with the character and is all, "Yo, wanna come check out my team? We're bad ass." (3) Something happens where the Teen Titans are given a bit of publicity/notoriety and whoever is interested can have their kid show up and be all, "Hey, I want to join up, where's the sign up sheet?"

So, um, thoughts? 'Cause I wanna have our team! :D (And I'm not ready for Triagon quite yet...)

Oh and if anyone wants Raven to come ask for help against her dad (to turn her down, that is), feel free to ping me! She loves getting shot down, that one does. >.> I mean, what?

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