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Jan. 23rd, 2010


Hey all,

Sorry for letting things drag on as long as I have, and for not getting back to people, and just, well not being around. But I'm going to declare this place closed. Thank you all for playing! This was my frist time trying to play in the DC sandbox and I did have a blast.

I'm sorry I wasn't more active as a mod or a player, and hope to see everyone around in the world of RP.

Thanks again!


Jan. 18th, 2010


A Chance To Get Your NPC-On (if you want)

So to explain where [info]booster_gold has been, his mun has decided that he went on a trip throuhg the time stream. Don't worry he put everything back where he found it, so no one is going to start fading out of existence a la Back To The Future (and I'm not going to make any Booster and so and so's mom jokes. Because I'm mature.).

However Booster accidentally brought some peoples to the present with him (or rather left some doorways open for people to get through) -- villain types as the hero types were presumably off saving the world, and not getting into mischief (although if you want to NPC one of the "retried" Super heroes as they would have been in their prime? Feel free ...). So the modern day heroes now may find themselves running into some of the bad guys that their predecessors fought. Only the bad guys are in their villianous-prime.

If you want to NPC a villain, drop a line here so we all know who is moving who around. Same goes for any of the retried (or dead) super heroes. No future peoples at this juncture please.

Jan. 15th, 2010


So, as incredibly awesome as Tim and Marleigh are to play with, I was wondering who else is out there and seeking plot?

I have Felix Faust here who is currently meeting with the Queen of Fables, but is otherwise fairly wide open. He'll likely work against the Titans if he can get along with the Queen, but would also be up for any other bad guy shenanigans.

I'm not too worried about Kyle Rayner as he has plot with Donna, Jade (maybe?) and the newly forming Teen Titans, though it would be cool for him to do something with Hal. I think I may have him email him or something.

What I'd really like is some kind of Superman plot. I've been thinking about it lately, and I think I am going to play out the Clark Kent side of his alias a lot too so that he could be doing some investigative reporting, and maybe even interviewing one of the Teen Titans to help get them over with the people and what not.

So.. yeah. Who's out there and wanting to get into something?

Jan. 13th, 2010



Hey guys!

It was fun playing with you all, but I'm having difficulty working up enthusiasm to play my characters and it's wrong to sit on characters I'm not playing.

You're all wonderful and I had a great time while it lasted.

This affects Ace, Blackfire and Hotstreak


Dec. 31st, 2009


parting is such sweet sorry

I've really been trying but I just can't seem to muster any enthusiasm to post here right now. I think it's a combination of unhappiness with some of the DC comics and having trouble finding my footing with some of my characters.

At any rate, I think I'm going to have to bow out for now. Take care everyone-- I'll miss you all! ♥

Dec. 30th, 2009


Greetings everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday.

A few things, we lost a few characters and gained a couple so please run the friend all button.

Suggestions for another game-wide plot have been given over at this post. Feel free to post any other ideas you might have in the OOC. We're always open for more ideas!

Now that the World Without Grown-Ups has ended, the formation of the Titans is desired. I think everyone who has a person that they intend to have join the team comment on this post for discussion.

Have a good New Year's everyone and happy RPing!

Dec. 28th, 2009


Bill here with my third and most likely final character, Felix Faust. He's been around a long time (the man is over seven thousand years old!), is an old enemy of the Justice Society of America, and will stop at nothing in his pursuit of power (Just ask his son, Sebastian, about this!). Right now he is lying low, and actually serving as Curator of Special Literature at the Public Library of Star City. Sooner or later, he will face off against the new Justice League, and he's starting to plan for that.

I see a possible team up and/or confrontation between him and the Queen of Fables, and I could also see him meeting/hiring Shiva, as well as joining the Injustice League if that starts up again. He'll also inevitably cross paths with Sebastian I imagine, as well as Zatanna for good magical fun. If anyone has any plot they want with him, hit me up here.

Dec. 23rd, 2009


Idea's for gamewide plot

Hey guys,

I know that with Christmas and New Year's coming up everybody is busy, but I had a couple ideas for some game-wide plots. Obviously I wouldn't expect them to start until after the holidays, but I thought I'd just throw them out there while they are still fresh in my mind. Let me know if your interested and if you think they are feasible. They are both taken from the Infinite Crisis storyline, but with no character casualties of course. Plots are below the cut.

Plot ideas for the game )

Dec. 21st, 2009


Hey guys, it's Tim again. Since dropping the Psycho Pirate I decided to pick up another character and here he is, Damon Matthews. He's a law student in college in Gateway City. For those of you who've never heard of him before he is Todd Rice's AKA Obsidian's boyfriend. At the moment for the purposes of the game they are not yet together however. He is played by William Moseley the hottest blond boy I could find lol. Anyway I plan to make Damon as active as the Queen and Donna so if you guys wanna have a thread just let me know. I know that he's in Gateway city, but he can travel of course. Later.

Dec. 19th, 2009


Sorry to do this but...

Hey guys, Allie here.

I know most of you are probably thinking who? Exactly. I haven't been around at all much lately. Real life and such has really gotten a hold of me, leaving me zapped and not having much time to focus on rp.

I've had a lot of fun here, in my short time being here. I'm sorry that I couldn't get in on the plot more (I would have really LOVED to dive into the Star Sapphire more with Carol and would have loved to play with Lilith some more). And who knows, I may be back. :)

But for now, I'm going to have to say goodbye and open up Carol Ferris and Lilith Clay back for adoption. I'll miss everything that you guys had going on here and like I said, it's been a lot of fun.


Dec. 16th, 2009


Hey guys, check this out

Hey everybody, I was milling around the net and rediscovered one of my favorite songs Fable by Robert Miller. So I decided to make a fan video for our favorite Queen. I'll put the link below if you guys want to check it out. The quality isn't too great, but then when you transfer video files to and from software you tend to loose that. It's all clips from Stardust 'cause well, that was really the only movie that Michelle played a queen in, LOL. It's also a bit short as Michelle was only beautiful for the first part of the movie. But yeah, take a look if you like and tell me what you think. Later.

Dec. 15th, 2009


Hiatus Warning!

Hallo! I will be Little Miss On Hiatus from 12/20-12/29! This means I'm mostly switching from Thread Starting Mode to Thread Finishing Mode. Here's what I think I've got:

Open threads )

I think that's it. Cheers!

Dec. 14th, 2009


I meant to post his ages ago but argh. I'm not very together right now.

All right, so I'm "back" in the sense that I'm going to try and tag things [and by 'tag things' I mean do massive catch up tonight and tomorrow night] and post things. But I will be slow (sorry people).

If something needs my attention like right away, or I owe you something and I'm not responding to it, please let me know! I know I'm not the most reachable person when it comes to AIM that that is going to be even more so over the next few weeks. If you need one of my characters for something, please drop me a line via e-mail. (and if I respond in all lower case? It's because I'm sending from my poor, old, outdated phone and the phone and I have shift key issues).

I'm probably going to be really slow at random times until the New Year, so I apologize in advance.

-- Kelly

Dec. 13th, 2009


Could use some advice

I seem to be very talkative the last couple of days but I wondered if anyone had a suggestion. Since I just dropped the Psycho Pirate I'm trying to find another male character I could play. I had been thinking about adopting one of the gay DC characters, but there's only a handful of them according to Wikipedia. It seems to me that the only way I can really play a male character well is if he's gay, lol. If you guys have a suggestion (and or have a character that has a history of gay relationships and wouldn't mind having another gay character to hook up with) hit me up with a comment.

Dec. 12th, 2009


World Without Grown-Ups

Just to let everyone know, the World Without Grown-Ups plot will conclude tomorrow. The details of the event that will occur to finally right the worlds are outlined here courtesy of Tim.

For those that have plot they would still like to achieve during the World Without Grow-Ups, it is perfectly fine to backdate it. Just be sure to mark it so everyone will know it's occurring at that time. :D

Also, please run the friends list and if you have any questions just post a comment at the Drop Box. We'll get back to you asap.

Keep enjoying the game everyone!

Dec. 11th, 2009


Just a heads up to everyone that I am leaving... town for the weekend. I'll be lost in the wilderness for a day or two starting tonight. I'll have my phone on me but most likely it'll be off to conserve power for a 911 phone call in the off chance some hillbillies tell me I have a purty mouth or something equally scary. Sorry if this effects my scenes with anyone but I'll try to post before leaving work tonight. If I can't then I'll definitely reply when I get back. Peace.


((shamelessly copied/paste in my other games))


Character Dropping

Hey guys,

I know that Psycho Pirate hasn't updated in quite a while and to be honest, I've just lost my muse with this guy. I usually love playing the really wacky villians, but I've hit a wall with this guy. It seems I only do well with female characters. (lol, what does that say about me) Anyway, I don't think I want to continue having this character so feel free to remove him from the cast list and communities. If I find a male character that I feel like I know real well I might try to have a more diverse character repertoire. Anyway, hope nobody is disappointed. Later.

Dec. 8th, 2009


Hey there Mods

Hey guys. I had a question about the World Without Grown ups. Did we establish how long the whole thing was supposed to last? Also I can't remember if we decided how the whole thing is supposed to end either. But I had a thought about it and tell me what you think. Since the Queen started it, I figured it could end with her too. I was thinking the Queen could show up in kid world to gloat and also to do her typical fairy tale thing. Specifically she could show up in Gotham and turn the town square into a gingerbread castle, obviously attracting the heroes in the area, and lots of kids as well. Then the heroes could show up and have a confrontation with her. This time they get in a good ass kicking and force the Queen into undoing her spell. Or, sensing that she's going to loose in an assualt by the worlds children she undoes the spell and goes poof again whichever sounds better. What do you guys think? Let me know if that's how you want this to go down or if you'd like to prolong it more. Thanks.

Dec. 2nd, 2009


Back from hiatus!

Hey guys!

I'm back from hiatus and ready to jump into the WWG plot. :D I've been a bit run down and tired lately but I will try to post for all three of my characters by the end of this weekend since all three would be involved in the plot.


The (Actual) Man of Steel

Bill here again with Superman this time. I picked him up partly to feel a need (plot with Lex!), but mostly for the want I have had to play a superman-esque character.. figured I may as well just play Supes himself. Plus, I like the idea of such a powerful character still being 'just a farm boy at heart.'

I will be playing off what is established with Lex so far as his having been friends with him in his youth. Figure there can be the Clark and Lex as friends and Superman and Lex as enemies dynamic going. Should be fun!

I don't know that Superman had a lot in the way of interactions with other characters here, but if there is any established history you would like to keep, do let me know. I am also open to any plot ideas as well. I'd like to explore his relationship with Wonder Woman too, and I could also see him being willing to lend his time to help out the younger heroes, though with this present game wide storyline that'll obviously have to wait.

I think thats it for now. At least it is until I walk away and remember what else I forgot to include.

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