our true selves.

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our true selves.


April 13th, 2010

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Who: Peter Reed and Charlotte Evans
What: Their second date, and uh... yeah. Bad Peter.
When: Tuesday night, April 13 2010
Where: A club in downtown Los Angeles

Charlotte was obviously a woman of fairly high class and he hadn't wanted to risk putting her off before he could get her to put out. )

March 2nd, 2010

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Who: Peter Reed
Where: Skin strip joint, Los Angeles
When: Tuesday night
What: The last of his confessions to Mina

If he was going to kill someone tomorrow, he wanted to be good and hung over for it )

January 17th, 2010

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Who: Peter Reed
Where: His law firm in the middle of downtown Los Angeles
When: Monday morning around 8 AM
What: CORE makes the building go doom! 'Cos they're a bunch of bitches. But when it comes to recruiting they sometimes know their audience?

This probably wasn't the normal reaction to your work getting blown up by the enemy, but suddenly Camelot did not seem like the most desirable option any longer. )

December 20th, 2009

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Who: Peter Reed and Mercedes Palmer
What: Pete's firm has a company party and Mercedes attends. They're both smashed, hilarity to come. Stay tuned...
When: Sunday night/Monday morning, December 20/21
Where: Westwood, LA
Warnings: It's Peter and Mercedes.

He arrived at the party in downtown Westwood, ready for a night involving a shit ton of alcohol and possibly a few regrets. But that was not a new story for Peter Reed! )

November 14th, 2009

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Who: Peter Reed and Elsa Jameson
What: A surprising discovery
When: Friday Night, around 11:45pm.
Where: Club opening in downtown Westwood, Los Angeles
Warnings: TBD

Charming was practically giddy with this new development, the whole week he would not shut up about how proud he was of Peter for all his 'progress'. And by progress he meant, not trying to sleep with the woman the first night.  )
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