our true selves.

January 25th, 2010

our true selves.


January 25th, 2010

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Who: Sam Victorio
What: An attempt to assassinate Michael Morgan
When: Monday Night
Where: The rooftop across from The Lounge in London

A shot rang out. A prince went down. )

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Who: Matthew Morgan [NPC], Christopher Morgan [NPC], and brief cameo's by other NPC members of the Morgan family.
Where: Camelot HQ and a hospital in London.
When: Monday after Michael's rushed to hospital.
What: Brothers, reactions and Katy rushing a narrative for fun.
Rating: PG-13

It was going to be a long wait, Matthew just hoped that his son would make it. )

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Who: Ainsley Kennedy
What: Attempting to deal with the aftermath of Michael getting shot
Where: A hospital in London
When: During and shortly after this
Rating: PG-13

She couldn't keep this up anymore. )

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Who: Jen Hill, Owen Murphy, Colin Ford, Kyle Thomas, Krystelle Deroux [Appearances by: Josh Blake, and possible Sarah Evans and James Miller (the people behind the curtain)]
What: Rescuing Josh from the EVIL JOKER'S CLAWS.
Where: JJ's apartment in San Francisco
When: Monday evening, shortly after dusk
Rating: P13-R? IDK, there's most likely a very hurt Josh and also a bomb. OH NOES!

If after all this they busted in there and found Josh dead, Jen was pretty sure she'd lose it. )
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