our true selves.

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our true selves.


October 3rd, 2009


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So this was supposed to be revealed and everything today but then I forgot about reminding people so I'm pushing back the big work until next weekend, where it will be revealed with a list.

Here is the soundtrack as it stands now. If you haven't suggested any songs but you want to then please go for it.

I'm removing the cap on how many songs per character, but please try not to go nuts. There are 95 songs on there already, so still try to limit how many you suggest per character.

You can still suggest songs that make you think of another character, a game wide plot or the game itself. There's nothing limiting you now!

- Katy

September 19th, 2009

Soundtrack Update

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I've set up a youtube playlist for the soundtrack and it's right here!

It's obviously not complete, as even I haven't added to it just yet. So feel free to reply to this post with your ideas. Remember it's 1-3 songs per character, but feel free to suggest songs for characters you don't play or for the game in general.

If there's a huge cry for a downloadable version then I could probably throw something together.

September 15th, 2009

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Originally this was going to be the next meme idea, but I've decided to move it up a bit.

I want us all to create an OTS soundtrack. Like a fanmix, but for OTS. An OTSmix, if you will.

What I need from you is 1-3 tracks per character. There's no limits to the theme you decide to go with regarding your submission and if you want to submit generic songs that remind you of the RPG, or a character you don't play then go for it! Hopefully we can get together a good selection of music and it'll be a bit of fun.

If it all goes well, and you're all interested (please tell me if you're not, I promise my feelings won't get hurt!) then hopefully we can put it all together for the 3rd October. If you know what songs you'll be submitting now then reply to this post, otherwise we'll be sticking up reminders once a week.

Sheena and I will stick it all together and hopefully have it posted on the 3rd. As it's not a game plot and it's only OOC if you need more time then just ask and we can figure it all out.

Questions? Comments? Sounds of approval or dismissal?

- Katy
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