our true selves.

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our true selves.



Skipped Back 20

April 28th, 2010

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Hello, everyone! I'm a new one! I'm Hailey, and I'm a college student. I literally have like two days left this week to school. So, that means I'm going to be on even more than I am when school is in, which is a heck of a lot. That means that I'm on AIM almost constantly and can be found at eveningread. I really enjoy being bugged and everything too.

I've been told by Kaye that y'all are wonderful.

That being said, this is Hazel Teague. She's the reincarnated Dean Winchester, yeah, I know, seems really strange. To top that, Hazel has never seen Supernatural and refuses to watch it too. She's just been told about it by friends. Hazel hails from San Fransisco. Her family owns a flower shop there, and she lives above the shop. So, if someone has gone to buy flowers in San Fran, it's possible they've met her. She has two sisters and a nephew. She's helped raise her nephew, actually. That's....some of the most important stuff.

She has no powers, but she's got a lot of different mythology and Dean trying to tell her how to kick some ass, she just tries to ignore it. She's got Dean's necklace....that's about all I can think of at the moment. She's pretty friendly, calm, chill. She's basically just been hiding in the flower shop and helping with her nephew, so she's blended into the background for a while.

I'll probably be posting a first journal entry very soon. But...plot? I'd love plot with any and everyone.

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Beth here, with another alt. Because I can't actually help myself.

This is Caitlin Burns, born in Scotland but 'from' a bunch of places. She was raised by her father, a geophysicist, and they country-hopped a lot for his job. She went to college in Texas (where she met Alex Wolfe) and then moved back to the UK for work - work she summarily ditched as soon as she picked up her reincarnate. Nowadays she's in the ambiguously named Special Projects department of the Agency, where she does whatever they need her to do on any given day. She likes the variety and yes, like most of the denizens of the department, she's a little odd.

You see, Cait is essentially an overgrown fourteen year old boy, complete with an inability to express her feelings in words and a certain reckless joie de vivre. Her reincarnate is the Doctor of Doctor Who, and while he's good at saving her from herself, he doesn't exactly help make her less strange.

Anyway! Friends, enemies, plot of any kind would be good. Her profile is here or you can hit me up by email/IM for more details!

Brian-in-a-jar Wise-guy

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Hi all. It's a Lili, with character number ten. Stop me now before I get any ideas...

Anyway, this is Brian Wisemann, your resident Agency tech-guy. He's the genius who keeps the scientific side of the MTN from going ca-ca. Ask him to talk nerdy to you sometime. <3

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I told you there would be more of these!

We've been asked by a couple of people to raise the character limit by two, to twelve rather than ten.

After a lot of conversation and deliberation we've decided to try this out with some changes to the application process and also some criteria that people have to reach in order to have more than ten characters. This is because we think that people should only be allowed to have more than ten characters if they can handle it and at the moment we are just trying it out. If it doesn't work and the majority of players can't handle it then we will reduce the number to ten and come to some arrangement with anyone who might have eleven or twelve characters.

We feel that having more than ten characters is a lot, and that not everyone will be able to handle it or will be suited to having that many characters. So there needs to be proof that you can handle it before we approve it.

The application rule changes are:

1) One application per player per week. This should also hopefully cut down on us feeling overwhelmed with the amount of apps coming in per week.

2) There's a rule we've had forever but has never been implemented but we will be doing so now. If you drop a character then you'll need to wait a week before picking up a new one.

3) If we feel overwhelmed by the amount of apps then we might do half one day and half the following day. If this happens then we will let everyone know and applications will simply be approved on a first come, first served basis. Hopefully this shouldn't happen too often but if we don't feel like we can give all apps the attention they need then we won't force it.

The criteria to have more than ten characters is as follows:

1) You must be active with all of your characters for at least a month.

2) You must be active in more than just posts, you need to be commenting and interacting with people rather than just scraping by the activity requirements. All your other characters need to be genuinely involved in the game, replying to other characters posts, getting involved in plots and just being very involved in the game.

3) If you have NPCs then these must also be active to some degree. There are no strict activity requirements but we will look at how active your NPCs have been over the past month or two.

4) You will no longer have the option to reduce a played character to NPC status without a plot reason. Characters being in prison, hospital, travelling the world to find themselves or any other plot reason is fine, but they will now need a reason.

NPC's will now be reserved for characters needed for plot reasons, or non-reincarnates.

We reserve the right to amend and adapt these rules at anytime as we try this out. We will always let you know if we decide to change something.

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This is probably going to be the first of many mod posts over the next few weeks. Please make sure you read all of them, as they are important.

We were asked about allowing the cities plot to be a free for all and we've considered it and will be sort of allowing this. I say sort of, because there will be a few rules in place.

1) If we think that things are going too quickly or too slowly, we will step in and begin organising according to first come first served with who gave us the information. Please try to be balanced with what comes in when and don't try to do everything at once or put too much off.

Please try and co-ordinate with each other to make sure that we don't have ten places come in during one week, or have a month go by with nothing happening.

2) Please give us a heads up before you bring a place in. This isn't to ask for permission, it's just so we know exactly what place is coming into play when. Just shoot us both an e-mail with an ETA and hopefully it can tie in with number one a bit to avoid a lot of stuff happening at once.

If people get in touch and we think that too much is going on in one week then we'll let you all know and you can figure out who gets to go when. It's unlikely that we'll turn around and say no to something, but we do want to be kept in the loop.

3) You need to have given us some information about the place before it can come into play. We're going to be extremely strict about this particular rule, and breaking it could result in official warnings and even the retconning of those particular plot points.

Don't forget to give us the information that everyone will be using, considering that everyone can go to these cities and we don't know all the fandoms and places involved this is very important information to have.

We don't think it's fair to people who are putting in the hard work to write blurbs and give us pictures so we can update the mod journal with a plot info page if we don't punish those who don't put the effort in.

I don't think this will be a problem as you're all extremely good at getting information to us, but I think it's fair that you know the consequences ahead of time.

April 26th, 2010


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SO PEOPLE. Everything turned out okay with my procedure and I even came back to my college home yesterday night. But guess what? I find out I have no internet here. LIFE SUCKS THAT MUCH. I'm trying to fix that, but I might be absent for a few days! ): -whines like a baby-

- Ma

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I'm back guys!

I'm feeling a bit better so I'm coming back today! Hopefully mod stuff will happen tonight but things could still be a little delayed. If there's going to be any huge delays on anything (more than a few days) then we'll let you know.

April 25th, 2010


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Heya everyone, Amy here! As most of you know, since I've probably talked to most of you anyway xD I've been in the hospital for the past...week and a half? Something like that. Anyway, it looks like I'm going to be here for a few more days or weeks and I have a tooooooooooon of extra time on my hands now!

SO ANYWAY. I'm bringing my boys (and one girl) back, as well as the first of what I hope to be some new characters!

So let me introduce you all to my new character first! His name is Sean Boyle, he's 22 years old, a student at Columbia University, where he also works in the Admissions Office, and he is currently the host to Professor Charles Xavier, or Professor X, of X-Men fame. X-Men comic book fame, by the way, just so its all clear. He's a really interesting kid, also being the half brother of Tom, our resident Magneto. Neither of them know this yet, by the way, but it sure will be interesting once they do!

All of his info can be found on his journal: [info]telesthesia

Also! Being back means my characters are back! The list includes:

Owen Murphy
Joseph Belmont
Jeremiah Radley
Leon Sullivan
Rolin St. Fleur
Chris Lancaster
Alba Trenor-Seward

Be gentle on me guys, I'm already dealing with horrible spelling from high doses of narcotics xD



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So, Bella and I have been talking (I know, never a good sign), and we wanted to reiterate our plea for a Guy of Gisbourne to join the ever growing Robin Hood gang here at OTS!

Possibly we've been drinking too much of the RH koolaid lately and are drunk on conflict but Betty and Phin are going to make up eventually and the outlaws are going to become a complete unit at some point, so of course after that we're going to need something new to fuck shit up! >.> We think a Guy of Gisbourne would be perfect and loads of fun, especially if they were to team up with the Sheriff and make the outlaws lives more difficult in whatever ways you see fit.

Male or female, it really doesn't matter to us, (though male might be better since the majority of the RH crew is covered in crazy, batshit females... but that's not a bad thing right?!), we just want a Guy! Gives us a Guy! (You know you want to...)


Also, anymore outlaws or anyone else from the RH Universe are always welcome! Betty and Robin are greedy and want more of their peeps...

April 24th, 2010

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I'm just letting you all know that I've come down with a stomach bug and while I'm feeling a bit better than I did a few hours ago I'm going to take a short hiatus until I'm feeling better. Applications and some other modly things will probably be delayed until I get back.

April 23rd, 2010

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Hey, guys! So, Heather and I are super bored (nothing new there!), and thus, we have a meme for you! Aaaaand it's a drunk-texting one. Not surprised? Yeah, we figured. XD

Post your character's name in a comment, and other people will reply with drunk texts they would send to that character. (Oh, and let's assume just for the sake of this meme that everybody knows everybody's numbers. 'Cause things are more fun that way. :D)

I think that make sense, but if it doesn't, feel free to ask questions, haha. XD The usual meme rules apply, so go crazy and have fun! :)

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So. Insane Journal is eating all of my notifs to the point where I'm ready to pull my hair out. So for those of you who are getting randomly commented from Micah here and then, for some reason, not getting a reply even though I'm obviously online - It's because of IJ. Now that I know this, I'll be trying to check all of the journal entries on a regular basis that I've commented, but can I just say how annoying this is?

And FYI. Squeaky says it's not his issue, so I don't even know if this will be fixed soon. So, if for some reason I'm not replying, hit me up on AIM. Even if I'm offline. Usually I'll get the message once I sign on anyway.

This makes it so much harder to journal-hop.

And I guess this is also a warning to everybody else that, um, you might want to double-check comments on your end as well? As people might not just be not replying. It might be the notifs being eaten/dying/etc.

April 20th, 2010

Plot post: Update

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We've decided that the first city will be in place in the beginning of May so we're aiming for either the end of next week or the following week depending on how busy we get. The first city will be Gotham, for the simple reason that both Claudie and I have characters connected to that city. We'll do a log that will hopefully then act as a guideline of sorts for any further cities or places coming into the game.

We have yet to timeline the entrance of any other cities, although we're also planning on doing that soon so if you haven't given us a place that you want then now's the time to do it! We're going to do it on a first come first served basis with the gathering of information on the cities and places as has been started here and will be done in smallish groups. The only time something might not be done in that order is if there's a logistical problem that we want to sort out while keeping the plot going, but you will be made aware of it and the reasons why it might be delayed.

The reason we are going with the gathering of information rather than any other format (alphabetical, longevity of character/fandom in the game, picking them out of a hat, etc) was because there are fandoms that we know nothing about and it will take us a longer time to find the information and hope it's correct than if you guys, who know the fandoms and places, give it to us.

If you'd prefer us to do it another way then please let us know, but please be aware that the plot could be delayed if there's a lot of information we need to find ourselves.

I also want to reiterate that there is currently no cap on the amount locations that you can have per person. This might change, but right now it's a free for all!

April 19th, 2010


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This is me, speaking for one Amy Lasner who is still in the hospital with no internet connection (and we have no lives so we text each other daily) so for the time being she's requesting a hiatus until either the men in white coats let her out or the internet finally starts working.

As far as her characters go, she's gracing some of us with some limited godmodding rights. >.> (She should be very afraid...)

Leon is under the control of me and Rae
Owen is under the control of me and Kate
Joe and Alba go to Li, of course!
Chris is, again, going to me and Rae
Radley goes to Li and Rae
And Rolin goes to Rae also though he's traveling so that won't require much!

(Anyone else notice that Rae and I have suddenly come into way more power then we probably should have? No? Okay keep blissfully ignoring it then. :D)

Er, so yes! That's it. Amy's in the hospital, she's okay but hasn't been released yet and doesn't know yet when she will be, and apparently they don't believe in a working wireless in there. Do I need to request an official hiatus for her or does this post suffice? :D

April 18th, 2010


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Hi guys! Heather again. I'm brain dead and it's getting late so I'll make this brief.

Meet my last new character! For awhile This is Holly Strange, nineteen years old and the twin sister of Tawny Strange ([info]badjoke). She's a freshman at San Diego State (undecided major), coasts through life by not going to class, working at a record store, chillin' with her homies and getting fucked up. She was also diagnosed with narcolepsy at the age of twelve and has a pretty serious phobia of needles.... this was all before Sleeping Beauty showed up in her head, about a month ago, the day after Tawny was admitted to the loony bin. Holly herself is a bit of a head case, but in a totally harmless way.

She totally needs homies and other fun connections, so please hit me up for plot! We're open to any kind. She might seem like it, but she really doesn't bite. Her default is to be dry about everything just because it's more fun for her to see other people not know what to do with her, but she means well. You know, if she likes you. :D Her first entry is here and her bio is here.

Ya'll know how to contact me! pumpkinnneater (AIM) and goodasgranger@yahoo.com.

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Kate here, introducing another new character. (The last for awhile, I swear!)

This is Detective Rick Martinez of the LAPD. He grew up in South Central and never left, so his view of the world is a little bit limited. He's basically a good guy, although he tends to think that the law is sort of, uh, up for interpretation. So yeah, he's crooked, but only a little?

He's also got Allan A Dale, one of Robin Hood's outlaws, in his head. He's only had the reincarnate for a couple of months now, so he's still in the super confused phase.

I'm always up for plot, and he could use some more LA people, outlaws, or lawmen to bond with. Comment here with any plot ideas or hit me up on aim as improbablekate. He's also got his first post up already, where he is being bombarded by crazy outlaws, so please go join the fun!

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Hey, all! I'm the new gal! My name is Kaye. I'm an online college student, so that means I'm virtually online the entire time that I'm awake. 'Course, some of that time is invested to actual schoolwork, but... you know the drill. I love to be bugged, IMed, to plot, to talk, to laugh, to cry, to thread, to scene, to... etc, etc. You can find me at JabberwockyHakke, and I love you all already. <3


To the more important person here, this is Micah Powell. He is the reincarnate of Chris Halliwell from Charmed. Never seen it? That's okay, Micah hasn't either, but his excuse is that he wasn't a teenage girl in 1998 either. Micah lives in San Francisco, though he originally hails from Los Angeles, and he's a tattoo artist. Anybody with tattoos that might have passed through San Francisco when they got them? This guy could have possibly done it! Unlike his neurotic counterpart, Micah is a pretty easy going guy. He has a cat named Sparky that everybody should love, and he used to be a pretty open and honest person. Chris is more of the secretive type, though, so he's kind of been influencing Micah in that way. Chris also has all these powers that Micah is slowly trying to get accustomed to, so don't be shocked if Micah accidentally orbs (magical transportation, pretty much) into your room one of these days!

Where has Micah/Chris been all this time? Uh... well... I'll say that Chris was making Micah just stay out of it, since Micah didn't have a good grasp on his powers yet. Yeah. There we go. And it doesn't help that recently Micah has started having these nightmares that are actually Chris's memories. They're not very good memories at all. But Micah's trying to not let it get him down! That's the main reason why he's rejoining the community, though... not that he'd say anything.

So, plot? Lines? Something? Haha... His first IC post will be up shortly. As soon as I think of something clever to say.

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Last one for awhile. This time for reals?

Rae here, with a shiny new character for everyone to enjoy. This is Dallas Harper, the lovely host to Will Scarlett, of Robin Hood's outlaw band! She's...interesting. Moved to LA when she was eighteen to find fame. Then ended up being a hooker, a stripper, and now a bartender. Because, you know, being famous is actually kind of hard to do.

She's nice enough, until you piss her off, at which point she has no problems doing things like making scenes or throwing her shoes at you. For the most part, she's just your typical small down girl who had to adjust to living in East LA way too quickly, which has made her kind of harsh. Her profile is up in her journal, if you want more information. I'm way too tired to overexplain things right now. XD

I'm at pixelated sadism if anyone wants to plot/chat!

Happy gaming!


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Hey, guys! Bella here, with my last character (AND DAMMIT, I MEAN IT THIS TIME). This is Kit Harris, reincarnate of Leo McGarry from The West Wing. For those of you who haven't seen the show (and, uh, if you haven't, GET TO IT RIGHT THIS INSTANT), Leo's the man behind the curtain, President Bartlet's best friend, confidante, and Chief of Staff. At the moment, Kit is only one of those things. She works behind the scenes in the White House as the Deputy Director of the Office of Reincarnate Affairs; basically, she liaises with the Agency over reincarnate issues and brokers deals and information between them and her boss. She's had this job for about a year, and thanks to Leo, she's much better at it than she probably should be. Before this, she worked at the Miami branch of the Agency (as a secretary, mostly to familiarize herself with the community). She's a native of Miami, though she went to college in Toronto, and now she's living in DC.

Basically, Kit is all business. She's married to her job, doesn't have any social life to speak of, and has more connections than she knows what to do with. If you want to be one of them, let me know! Just a forewarning: she's a very grumpy person, and if you want to be spared a verbal lashing, you'd best stay on her good side, but she does mean well. Most of the time...

Her profile is here, her first entry will go up as soon as I get myself some food, and you know where to find me for plotting purposes!


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There's a plot lull and a load of new characters, and there will possibly be even more new characters later tonight or tomorrow so it seems like a good time to break out the plot meme!

Reply to this post with any plot ideas you've got, characters you want to see in the game or even about any characters you might be bringing in later in order to start brainstorming possible plots for them.

Please throw ideas around and pimp out those plot lines you've thought of but weren't sure what to do with!
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