our true selves.

December 29th, 2009

our true selves.


December 29th, 2009

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Sheena has some computer issues at the moment so the awards are going to take a while to be made, however we figured that we could post the winners now and the awards later!

Most Dramatic Character: Sarah Evans
Best Couple: Phineas Morland and Betty Peabody
Best Not Couple [the ship that should be, but isn't]: Nate Roth and Laura Mayhew
Best Agency Character: Thomas Doyle
Best Camelot Character: Christian Sheffield
Best CORE Character: Jeannie 'JJ' Jackson
Best Undecided Character: Elena Felt-Reyner
Best Friends: Sarah Evans and Andi Patricks
Best Enemies: CORE and Camelot
Best Death: Joelle Walker and Alan Hall
Dirtiest mouth: Jax Creedy
Best Dynamic Duo: Sarah Evans and James Miller
Biggest flirt: Clyde Bailey
Most Uptight: Elizabeth Harper
Biggest Whiner: Al Peabody
Best Family: The Peabodys
Best Reincarnate Idea: Les Peabody/Legolas
Best Overall Male Character: Ted Holloway
Best Overall Female Character: Betty Peabody
Most Shocking moment: Adam goes public with the deaths of Joey Walker and Alan Hall.
Funniest Scene: The OOC Memes
Best Love Story: Roz Reed and David Roberts
Biggest Tear Jerker: Dylan Hart's death
Best Plot: Truth Plot
Most Valuable Player: Katy
Best Commenter: Nels
Best Plotter: Katy
Most Inventive Player: Beth and Bella
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