our true selves.

December 26th, 2009

our true selves.


December 26th, 2009

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Ruby here! Let me introduce my new character: Kaycee Evans, reincarnate of Selina Kyle aka Catwoman. She's 1 out of 2 Evan's twins who have no idea that their dad had a whole other life with a WIFE (and Sarah). Her twin, Kylee [info]wannafight, is her other half. Their mom was part of CORE but quit upon knowledge that she was pregnant and has been a ~good reincarnate~ just working 24/7 to keep her children away from CORE/all that comes with it.

HOWEVER, they're already out stealing lots and lots of things, have their own flat on the Upper East Side and are heading over to NYU now that they're pretty much set with their finances.

More about Kaycee: Curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought it back. Kaycee is the type of girl where you say "you wouldn't.." and yes, she would. Dares are her thing and the adrenaline rush is what she likes most about stealing and thinking of ways to do the impossible. She's also a bit of a flirt! She's grown up in NY her whole life and this is home.


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The official group chat will be pushed back to next Saturday, but there will be an unofficial one today at 4pm Central/5pm EST/10pm GMT. As it's unofficial it doesn't matter if you're around or not, but if you are then you'll be invited in!

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Hi all! It's a LiLi with number eight, the one and only Oliver Queen. *coughcough* He is currently residing in Ms. Kylee Evans, who happens to be the half-sister of Sarah (shh...nobody knows that yet!). She also has a twin, whom Ruby will most likely be introducing shortly just beat me to the punch! so try not to get them confused!

Anyway, the twins are fairly new reincarnates, so Kylee is a little-bit puzzled by the sudden attraction to other girls, and she'd kinda got a big-brother complex going on, so damsels beware. Of course Ollie just has a new and profound appreciation for the complex infrastructure that is the female mind...and body. 

So who wants to play?!

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Hello, all! Bella here, with the Watson to Sheena's Sherlock! This is Juliet Pierce, who you probably noticed was approved last week with her sneaky private post of sneakiness, but I wanted to wait and introduce her until Sherlock could be introduced, too. Which he has, so here she is!

Juliet's 25, a part-time waitress, and an almost full-time nursing student. She's had Watson since she was about 13, but she hasn't exactly had an easy time of it. Her home life was never all that great, she was a good kid before he came along, but afterward she started acting out and hanging with the wrong crowd - typical teenage rebellion, except she was rebelling against the voice in her head. She got in trouble quite a lot, but when she turned 17, she was hit with a huge wake-up call: she got pregnant. That was when she finally started listening to Watson; she gave the baby up for adoption, and since then, she's turned her life around completely. She worked two jobs, saved up her money, and entered nursing school. So now she keeps pretty busy; with her job, school, and her unofficial position as Neil Holcolmbe's assistant, she doesn't have time to get herself into trouble.

So! That's all I can think of right now (you people keep distracting me in the chat!); anything else you might like to know, like her personality and such, can be found in her profile, and I'm up for any sort of plot you lovely crazies have to offer! :D

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If anyone's interesting in picking up a new character, I'd like to BEG YOU offer up Caprice's two older brothers: Aiden and Bryce. They're barely a year apart.

I'm kinda getting Caprice into a gang-related plot and since the only things her brothers really succeeded at was in the corrupt gangs, it's kinda where she wants them to be their best. Their dad (an honest and humorous man) dies tomorrow so there will be retribution from the Turner family!

Maybe assassin-like reincarnates? Though any will do, really! :D YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!!

Also, Caprice and Krystelle would love more plots if you'd like!
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