our true selves.

December 14th, 2009

our true selves.


December 14th, 2009

You're late. You look terrible.

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This is Kate, introducing the character you didn't know you were dying to meet, but you were, trust me, you were. This is Les Peabody! He is the older brother of Al and Betty. He lives in Austin, Texas where he has a dress shop catering to discerning customers of both genders and occasionally models his own creations. Don't hate him becuase he's fabulous. He's cheerful, outgoing, not upset by much, and very content with who he is and the place he's made for himself in the world.

He's also Legolas Greenleaf from Lord of the Rings. They are a pretty happy little pair and they've had a lot of time to get used to each other, since the elf has been with him since he was a confused little preteen. Legolas is mostly happy to hang out in the background and offer the occasional bits of wisdom and good cheer, but he's been far more outspoken since Les met his best gal pal Alex, who just happens to also be Gimli.

Les is new to the boards, but he's been around the reincarnate community for years, so feel free to have your characters know him if they've been around a bit. He's also up for all sorts of plots/interactions with friends, family, other LOTR people, and total strangers.

As per usual, you can find me at [aim] improbablekate or improbablekate@gmail.com!


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It's awards time again folks!

This is the nomination round. We'll post the categories and you can reply with your nominations for that award. You can nominate 1-3 characters, pairings, players, etc. We will then take those with the most nominations and put them forward to be voted on.

Nominations will be open from now until the 20th December. Voting will then be open from the 20th to the 26th December, when voting will be closed and the winners will be announced on the 27th.

Here are the rules:

1) Be nice. these are meant as a pick me up so if I find out you're trying to be mean through them then we will have words.
2) Nominations only. You can nominate 1-3 different characters/pairings/players/threads etc. You can nominate yourself as long as you nominate two others in the same category. However, remember that nominating yourself for MVP is just tacky!
3) Comments are screened. If you have questions then just ask one of the mods!
4) Nominations will close on the 20th December.
5) Voting will occur between 20th-26th December.
6) You can nominate people in a category they have previously won in as long as they're coupled with other nominations. Please don't go back to that result just because you can't think of anything. If you can't think of a nomination then just leave it blank, but please try to nominate in all categories!

The Categories

Most Dramatic Character
Best Couple
Best Not Couple [the ship that should be, but isn't]
Best Agency Character
Best Camelot Character
Best CORE Character
Best Undecided Character
Best Friends
Best Enemies
Best Death
Dirtiest mouth
Best dynamic duo
Biggest flirt
Most Uptight
Biggest Whiner
Best Family
Best Reincarnate Idea
Best Overall Male Character
Best Overall Female Character

Most Shocking moment
Funniest Scene
Best Love Story
Biggest Tear Jerker
Best Plot

Most Valuable Player
Best Commenter
Best Plotter
Most Inventive Player
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