our true selves.

December 7th, 2009

our true selves.


December 7th, 2009

Plot wanted...

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It's that time, just before a big plot happens when I begin to look towards the end of it. I'm always trying to think three months steps ahead of what's currently going on in the game. This is probably one of the reasons why my characters have very little personal plot going on, and also why I never have time to thread anything. Someone really needs to force me to just stop and relax and enjoy myself sometimes, I swear.

The thing is, at the moment I'm trying not to plot major war stuff until after the war plot. I have no idea what the majority of the characters will even want to do at that point and I don't like the idea of dictating (ha ha, I know the joke) plot to everyone without knowing what they're even going to want to do. I also don't want me and Sheena to be thinking up all the plot and then trying to instigate it. If you don't want to run plots, but have an idea for one, then we can run it for you but we will do not want to be coming up with every idea. Take the initiative, and do something or run an idea past us. If you have double agents then use them, get into fights with each other, and do... warish things.

I'm going to put down some ideas of things I personally want to see in the game, but please feel free to use this as a general war plotting post as well. I need to know what you guys want to happen so in January when I sit down to plot, I'm not doing it blind.

I know some of you are doing are fabulous job of plotting and doing stuff, so this isn't be having a go. I just want to have some idea of what the next step should be, so I'm going to ramble at you and hope for the best!

Now. Whining over. Onto plot stuff.

Things I want to see and general ideas I have:

- Some actual fights and physical conflict between CORE and Camelot.
- Handler/spy relationships. I think if anyone could persuade Jacqueline to actually pick a side then she could make a good handler for a spy in either organisation.
- More spy games. Pass information over, try to sabotage the other side, use honey traps to try and get information from people, place cameras, bugs, blackmail each other and just go as crazy as possible with trying to screw over the other side.
- I'd like people within CORE and Camelot to offer up ideas IC to the leaders and other people in the organisations.
- I said this in chat, but I'd love for Camelot people to actually live at the castle. Either because they have to or because they want to. It doesn't matter to me, but it would make them feel more like an insane community than just a side to a war.
- More people joining sides. Obviously CORE and Camelot are understaffed, but it'd be nice to just have people following their 'natural' alignment.
- More propaganda stuff. Use the Agency TV, Radio and stick up posters.
- There is an Agency run prison for reincarnates. Maybe some people should get put there or even break out?
- Assassination attempts on obvious members of all sides.

I'm sure there are obvious things that I'm overlooking, but that's why I have you guys!

Just tell me what sort of war related plot things you want to see. Nothing is too small or too big to put here. Although nothing will be officially plotted out until the end of January, this will give me a good starting point on research and forming ideas.

Also, if people want a character driven post of this kind then I can put one up later this week, just let me know!

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This is a quick adendum to Elena's post. If someone is unavailable while it's going on, have your character narrative/journal their exploits. Don't say they're with you, just go with it.

We also know Beth is on hiatus at the moment and in and out, so you guys need to be aware there. Any questions can be directed at yours truly or your modlinesses.

the crack of doom!

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Yes, I know I am supposed to be working on my crackalicious Princess Oliver app for my half of the Evans twins, but when it rains, it pours. Joy Paxton's brother, Lucas, seems to have taken up residence in my head with the face of Vincent Kartheiser. As Lt. Commander Data. Or something.

Someone, please, make it stop!
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