our true selves.

December 5th, 2009

our true selves.


December 5th, 2009

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Hey, all! Bella here, bringing you a brand spankin' new character - Ainsley Kennedy, the reincarnate of Éowyn from The Lord of the Rings. She's 30 years old, a native of Savannah, GA, and a pilot (she privately charters her jet out to businessmen and the like). Ainsley's had Éowyn since she was 12, and she's also known about the reincarnate community since then; her father was a reincarnate (of Théoden, actually!) and a member of Camelot. Unfortunately, he died in a plane crash when she was 15, leaving her to take care of her mother and two younger siblings.

When she turned 18, she simultaneously joined Camelot, got her pilot's license, and went to college (Savannah State, English literature major). She was a member of Camelot from 1997 to 2003 - she kinda left after having an affair with Michael Morgan while he was engaged (oops?). Since then, she's kept pretty much to herself. She has her chartering business, and she spends half of every year at her ranch in Montana, where she takes care of her horses and stays away from people as much as possible. She's a bit of a loner, lol.

Anyway! She needs plot and friends and things! She'd probably know or know of anybody who's been around since 1991, and she would definitely know anyone who was a member of Camelot while she was. Anybody since 2003, probably not, but she can make new friends - she won't like it at first, but she will eventually. ;)

Here is her profile, and her first entry is here! :)

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So, it's Nels, bring yet another gender bender fun boy (or girl, depends on how ya look at it).

This is Mr. Walter Schmidt. He has Cinderella from Fables in his head. They've been making this partnership work since he was about 28, which was almost, oh, 90 years ago. The boy's old compared to most, but not as old as a few others. He's been to war, literally, taking up arms when he and Cindy see fit, sometimes before that. He's fought in most of the biggies since WWI, the Great War. Between the wartime gigs, he made his money by way of corporate espionage. At least until recently. He gave up the spy game, even if he and Cindy miss it, to go the way of musical semi-stardom, or stardom by association. He's REDO's overworked, underpaid, unappreciated manager/roadie/agent/whatever else they need that has nothing to do with true musical talent because all he can really bang out of any instrument is "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," which isn't that easy on a bongo.

His first posty is here; if you're looking for any further information, and good luck with that as he has a habit of telling tall tales or not so tall ones, more info is here.
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