our true selves.

November 30th, 2009

our true selves.


November 30th, 2009

The roof! The roof! The roof is on fiyah!

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(It's 1am and I'm tired)

Hi guys! It's Heather, the girl who brought you the devastatingly sexy Peter Reed and devilishly charming Betty Peabody. :D Here with... two more characters! -headdesk- I really don't know how I do this, I just do. Anyway!

First up, THIS journal is nineteen year old Jennifer Hill, who since the age of sixteen has had Clark Kent/Superman in her head. Weird combo right? You betcha! Jennifer is a slightly antisocial, full-on tech geek, she loves anything computer/video game/comic book related. She lives in Boston, Massachusetts and works at the comic book store Comix'd with Eric Sizemore ([info]tenaciously_d). Seriously, how could we resist putting Superman and Wonder Woman in the same place? We couldn't, obviously! Both of Jennifer's parents are dead, she pretty much grew up with her grandparents and has no siblings (very CK like). She also goes to school at Boston University and majors in digital imaging arts. Yeeaah, like I said, major geek. Jen is pretty nice and even tempered (holing up in her room on the computer all day molds her that way), unless you get on her nerves or cross her in any way. She's got a bit of a weird complex going because of her alter super hero personality and the fact that before Superman came along, she was pretty much teased and bullied throughout most of her pre-teen/teen life. Now she pretty much figures, she can act like she's all big and bad because she's got the man of steel in her head, and since she's also gotten a bit of his super strength. So she's a pretty small girl, but obviously she can pack a pretty mean punch, and she can have sort of a loud mouth too so it's really best to not provoke her. She has a hard time keeping back her sass when it's just itching to come out, but if you mean well then she means well, and she's a good friend to have when the chips are down. She and CK get along for the most part, except when he starts getting all righteous on her about something, or takes over and dresses her up in his suit to help old ladies cross the street. Soooo not cool.

I also have... dun dun dun. Victoria Kramer ([info]_nopoweroverme), who plays host to Sarah from the Labyrinth! She's twenty-seven, works as a museum curator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. She's got a real passion for art and art history, as well as theater. Theater was not something she wanted to study in college but when she was attending undergrad at UCLA Sarah was very forceful about the things she wanted Victoria to do, and being on stage was one of them. Sarah has an annoying knack for wanting to do everything and do it her own way, you see. Luckily for Vicky she's had Sarah in her head since the age of thirteen so she has some form of control over the girl, and was able to make a deal that gave her art history but also took theater to appease the flighty pre-teen in her head. They got along much better when Vicky was younger and more accepting of Sarah's flights of fancy and constant whining, now that Victoria is nearing her thirties she does not find them as endearing as she used to. She has no siblings and her father died in a car accident when she was three, leaving her only her slightly unstable, eccentric mother who lives in London making dresses for a living. On the outside Victoria can seem like she's pretty much all business all the time and doesn't know how to have fun but if you get to know her you'll realize that's quite untrue. She's just a twenty-seven year old girl with only her work to cuddle up to at night and who has just never figured out how to let lose in a way that suits her. Life has always been about the next big step for her, in college she tried the party scene but it didn't fit in well with both her and Sarah. Sometimes Victoria catches herself wishing that she could make her life about the elaborate fantasies as Sarah has, but she is much too realistic and dedicated to her work for that.

Anyway I've rambled on long enough and it's about time I go to sleep so. If you wanna know more, read up on both of their profiles and also as always, I'm open to any and all plot ideas, big or small! You can reach me on AIM at pumpkinnneater or goodasgranger@yahoo.com :D
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