our true selves.

November 28th, 2009

our true selves.


November 28th, 2009

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Just to remind everyone, there will be a group chat tomorrow at 5pm EST/10pm GMT. I know a lot of people said they might not be able to make it but we'll try to hold it anyway. If there's a low turnout then we will have one next week because we want to have one before the plots all kick off.

If Saturday is a problem for you then please let us know what days you are available and we'll try to work with it.

Plot Post.

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In just under two weeks the two months of plot that I have been trying to plan will begin!

December's plots will begin with the Dare War. Claudie's running this plot and all questions should be directed to her, but please sign up because it should hopefully be a lot of fun.

During the last few days of the Dare War, the chaos plot will begin. This is a plot that will last almost two months and is going to be CORE causing as much trouble as possible in the run up to them taking over the Agency. They want Camelot and the Agency to be distracted so they can take over.

All events have been scheduled and can be found on the calender. Everyone has been given two days to do their mini plot, but we will give more time if it's needed so just get back to me about it if you do.

There are a few things everyone needs to know about this plot. The main one is that we're relying on all of you to pull this off, we will help you as much as we can but you need to post logs, take part in threads, journal entries, post narratives and just as importantly you need to react to what's going on. We will remind you the day before your plot is due to begin, and there will be an official Agency announcement after each plot. We will presume that the plot has been resolved in those two days unless we are told otherwise.

If you aren't involved with any particular plot then please, please, please react to what's going on. CORE's supposed to be creating chaos so reflect that if you can, or even try to get involved with plots that have already been scheduled by contacting the other players.

We do want to have a group chat before all of this begins, we will try to hold one tonight or next week as I want to touch base with as many people as possible to make sure everyone knows what they're doing and that everything's okay to go ahead with this.

List of plots. Now until January. )

Obviously there's a lot going on in a relatively short period of time, please try to plan things in advance if you can, even if it's just thoughts about how your characters will react to the various things that are going on. If you need help organising anything then you can just let us know and we'll do whatever we can!

Lets make the next two months completely amazing!

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It's a LiLi (again). I think this is lucky number seven. Anyway, el nombre es David Serrano Brontes (not to be confused with the Dread Pirate David), he's a wannabe writer working as a bartender/waiter in Veracruz, Mexico, he's half Cree, and he'll be your Huckleberry. He just happens to be aligned with the Agengy (it just "comes easiest"), so if anyone wants Huck Finn for a caretaker, let me know. Other than that...throw him a line, and we'll see if the infamous river-rafter can't tow it!

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Misha here, with a brand new boy. This is Eamon Dempsey, who has Eric Draven in his headspace. He is PB's by David Gallagher, primarily with icons from his appearance on Bones about 2 years ago. He's tats and piercings and he tends to wear dark clothes. He designs his own tats.

Eamon is a little on the rough side, and he is definitely interested in being aligned with CORE. I'm willing to work that out any way possible, in game. He's known about Draven for the last 6 year, and has more or less made peace with his reincarnate status. It's entirely possible he uses Draven as a scapegoat, from time to time. Of course not of his family or friends are reincarnates, so no one really knows what he's dealing with, or what he's talking about half the time.

So yeah. I'm open to just about anything with him, and with Dex too.

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Kate here! It's been awhile since I brought in any new characters, so I'm sure you've missed my thrilling intros, right?

This is Sam Victorio who happens to be sharing her life with genetically-enhanced rebel super soldier Max from Dark Angel. They've been together nearly a decade, so she's got a pretty solid handle on all the awesome stuff the Max can do (and the problems that go along with that).

She lives in LA and sometimes works as a stuntwoman, but her main job is Combat Leader for CORE. She's been working her way up through CORE almost as long as she's been a reincarnate, so anyone who's been around CORE or just around the community in general may know her.

She needs friends, rivals, enemies, all that good stuff. Oh, and if anyone wants to be her former character she totally punched them when they first came calling.

Please add her (and all the other wonderful new characters, naturally) to your friends lists, and her first post is up here.
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