our true selves.

November 26th, 2009

our true selves.


November 26th, 2009

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-waves- Hey guys! So, from thursday to early sunday I'm going to be in yosemite with the fam bam for thanksgiving weekend. We're gonna be in a cabin that apparently does not have internet >.< but! Supposedly there are internet cafes close by so I won't be completely absent the whole weekend, just mostly. :) If you need to talk to me about something your best bet is e-mailing me at goodasgranger@yahoo.com and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!!!

P.S. Sorry to those I was talking on AIM with earlier, I keep getting booted off so I'm assuming that AIM wants me dead. LOVES TO YOU ALL!

♥, Heather/Peter/Betty :)
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