our true selves.

November 22nd, 2009

our true selves.


November 22nd, 2009

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You may recognise the journal, but he has a new face. This is Misha, returning to the game after taking a couple months off. Dex is probably the only one I'm bringing back, and his time out of game is explained by going under ground after destroying the skull that once housed Harry Dresden's air spirit mentor Bob, who was reincarnated in Hannah Lockhart a few months back. Hannah was bad people, and Dex thought the only way to stop her was to destroy her completely.

Dex was injured in the battle, and now wears a glove on his left hand to protect it somewhat from the elements. He's coming back with a new face, but no one would notice that, in game because for all intents and purposes it's the same face he had before. He's going to be a bit rougher around the edges for all that he's been through, killing Hannah and effectively destroying Bob, as well as suffering personal injury and psychological damage.

Details have to be worked out, but Dex and Jax both survived the battle, though there were in game reports stating Dex had died. He was aware of the rumor, and didn't fight it or alert anyone to the truth. He felt like he had died, and he isn't entirely sure he's ready to come back to the hustle and bustle of society, but he's been drawn out by circumstances, so here he is.

I'll give him a proper in game intro this evening when I get home, since I'm not home right now. [Intro post is here. Reintro, really. Whatever it is, it's here.] I think I may have changed my AIM name since I was here before, I'm now CeruleanInzanity and the email remains the same at CelticFaerie2x[at]gmail[dot]com. I look forward to getting back in the swing of things!

Many thanks to Katy and Sheena for welcoming me back.
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