our true selves.

November 20th, 2009

our true selves.


November 20th, 2009

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There have been some complaints recently, and I'm going to try to handle this with some diplomacy and tact as Sheena and I don't think it warrants sending out personal e-mails at this juncture, and we could all do with a little nudge sometimes and not a telling off. Please don't take anything written here personally, but do keep it in mind for future character interactions. If the problems don't resolve themselves then we'll have to take it a step further, which isn't something we particularly want to do.

It's come to our attention that quite a lot of characters are being needlessly confrontational. This is getting to the point where some people don't want to interact with them because they know it will just turn into an argument of some description.

We are not talking about catching a character on a bad day, a character being snarky, defensive, or having their buttons pushed. We are referring to the times where characters purposely act aggressive a lot of the time. Yes, characters can be bitchy and antagonistic, but when it seems like this is their main character trait with no redeeming qualities and people don't want to interact with them then it becomes a problem.

I trust you all to know the difference between needless aggression and natural character reactions, but if you think your characters might be putting people off with their attitude then you might want to try reeling it in a little.

Also, I've mentioned that there's a problem with characters seeming as if their aggressive tendencies are their main character trait, when there is no reference to that being the case in their applications. We're aware that most of the character interaction happens over journal posts, which as a medium are naturally self censoring. If you find that your character is only putting forward one part of their personality, be it aggressive or not, you might want to try to be involved in more logs, threads or narratives to show the character depth.

We don't like having to make posts like this, we don't want to spend our time reminding you that your characters cannot be perfect and the best at everything or know everything and we certainly don't like having to tell people to tone down the argumentative conflict in character. This game is supposed to be a fun place, it's supposed to have dark themes but it's not supposed to be off putting to other players.

If you need clarification on any point then you can contact me here, on AIM or by E-Mail. We will not say who the complaints were about or who they came from, so don't even think about asking. We will be keeping an eye on the situation and if things haven't improved after the new year then we will take further action.

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It has been decided by a committee of me, Claudie and Bella that if Sarah had a long lost sister of some kind then she would have to be PBed by Taylor Swift! They're both so blonde and sparkly, you know it has to be true!

OMG picture proof! )

See, it completely works! And now you know one of you wants to enable this cracky idea!
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