our true selves.

November 17th, 2009

our true selves.


November 17th, 2009

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This is something that was briefly discussed on Sunday and we've decided that we're going to try it out and see if it's worth doing long term.

Once or twice a month, depending on what other plot we might have going on at the time, the Agency will post a question using the [info]ourtruenpc journal in [info]ourtruecomms. This question could be something personal; share something about your childhood or what's your usual weekend activity, for example. Or the question could be discussion based, for example; do you think reincarnates should live in their own community like the wizards in Harry Potter or the Fables in Fables.

Your character can either reply to the post in [info]ourtruecomms or they can create their own journal post about their answer.

We will be keeping an eye on how popular these questions will be, as well as general game activity. A lot of OTS's activity comes from journal posts and if that drops dramatically when these questions are posted then we might rethink the format.

If you want to submit questions then please go to the drop box.

We hope to have the first question up later today, if there are any questions then just ask away!

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