our true selves.

November 15th, 2009

our true selves.


November 15th, 2009

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Hey all!

Beth with my final alt: Tessa Wilson, aka Spike from BTVS/Angel. The personality section of her profile is fairly succinct, but her history rambles on and on, so the Cliffs Notes version:

→ Born in 1910. Got married around 1928 to get out of Nowhere, Missouri. Noshed on her husband when Spike showed up; the Agency picked her up soon after.
→ Joined a traveling sideshow in the 1930s. Worked as 'Tessa the Bat-Faced Girl.'
→ Had an unrequited thing for a fellow (blonde, spunky) circus performer named Harriet. Remained closed to her even after Harriet got married and had kids.
→ Harriet died in 1991 - Tessa went on a bender in Europe for a few years and ran afoul of an unnamed criminal element and had to come home.
→ Currently works as a tattoo artist in Chicago. For Harriet's great-grandson. Considers herself his sort-of protector.

In terms of the reincarnate community, she's been around since the mid-fifties (but not steadily). Honestly? She doesn't care about your war, people. She doesn't care if it's on again or off again. She only cares that the people she likes are safe. I'd wager that she still has some friends around, but she's never actually played an active part for either side - she only gets involved when a friend specifically requests her presence.

Any backstory at all would be welcome. If anyone wants plot with a chain-smoking, earthy, devil-may-care semi-vampire, I am all for it.

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Li Li again, with number 6, is it? Anyway this is Reeve. Shannon Kimberly Reeve. He is the Sheriff of Nottingham, but he's not too open about that (he discovered his past life after a gunshot to the head, so he'd kind of compartmentalized a lot of that). He is a detective (naturally) with the LAPD, and Lane Probst's new partner, but he used to be Miami vice, and he is originally from New York (so poke me if any of you New Yorkers want to have run into him on the job, y/y?).

He has an ex wife and a five year old daughter in Florida. Oh, and he's a member of CORE. So yeah! Say hello to Reeve.

Activity Check.

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The following characters need to become active by the next activity check (29th November) or they will be removed. Please remember that activity is either a journal post or being involved in a thread in either [info]ourtrueselves or [info]ourtruecomms. If you need a hiatus then please go here to request one, and if you have any questions then please contact the mods.

If you're on either list and you have reached activity requirements then please reply to this post with a link and we'll edit accordingly. We're only human and sometimes things get missed.

If you're featured on either list then you will not be able to hold or apply for a new character until there is an activity check where none of your characters are featured.


Zenichiro Akai
Matthew Miller
Travis Matthews
Gideon Seward
Natalie Kelly
Liana Wilder


Molly Hughes

Please remember that you need to reply to this post by the 23rd November or you will be issued with a formal warning.

Two New Characters!

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Hey everyone! Amy here, bringing in TWO new characters for ya'll to enjoy.

First, we have Jeremiah Radley, who is the reincarnate of Bigby Wolf, from the comic series, Fables. For those of you who don't know who that is, he is the Big, Bad Wolf in human form. Since he is a Fable, he doesn't age, and he's been around for 147 years, though he looks to be in his late 30s/early 40s. He was born in Louisiana in 1862, and he now currently lives in Chicago. Also, he is the Deputy Director of War Relations Department for the Agency, so yes, you will probably know him if you work for the Agency, as well, he used to be a caretaker at first. And since he's been around for so long, if you'd like any of your characters to know him as well, that's cool! He's been kicking around different places for awhile, and he didn't always work for the Agency. He's fought in both world wars, and is pretty easy going nowadays, besides when he's working. He also has one great granddaughter still alive, but she's close to dying, so he's a little worried about that, and all that entails with his and Bigby's family issues.

For more info: [info]huffingnpuffing

Second, we have Leon Sullivan, who is the reincarnate of Ben, or X5-493, from the TV series Dark Angel. Leon is actually Logan's twin brother (played by Rae), though he's ten minutes older, which doesn't even start to describe his over protectiveness. He's had Ben ever since he was 14 years old, though he's been on and off the journals, considering he's 26 years old. He works at the Bellagio in Las Vegas as a black jack dealer, and he is charming enough that he is able to get out of almost any sticky situation, which he does get into a lot. He runs scams, cons people, and generally doesn't get caught because he can weasel himself out of almost anything. He loves the ladies and they love him, but he will drop them after 3 months, regardless. So! If anyone wants to have known him or his sister, or if they are in Las Vegas or anything, that's also fine with me! Also, he's a future member of CORE, so have at him!

For more info: [info]fourninethree

Can't wait to play with some new characters with you guys ^^

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Hey, all! It's Bella, jumping on the new character bandwagon, haha. This one's been sitting on the backburner for a while, and I'm super excited to finally get him out in the open!

This is Phineas Morland, reincarnate of the lovely Lady Marian from BBC's Robin Hood (call her "Maid Marian" and she will make Phineas kick you). Phineas is a 30-year-old Brit and a bit of a wanderer - he's been traveling all over the world since he was 18, sometimes helping out the less fortunate, sometimes not. He comes off as something of a goof at first, but he's really a decent guy, completely selfless and all heart (even though he'll try to convince you otherwise). Oh, and he works for Camelot as a low-level spy; mostly he goes from city to city and follows known and suspected CORE affiliates around for a few days and then reports what he finds.

Anyway, he's in Vegas at the moment, and he's probably going to stay for a while (you'll see why soon!). His profile is here, and his first post is about to go up. He needs plot and friends outside of all the Robin Hood folk, and I'm open to pretty much anything! :)

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Hello, members of Our True Selves!

I'm Monti, new here, and I'm very happy to be here. The premise is great, and crosses over my new-found love for PB with my old old love for fandom. I've brought in Fern Williams, with her reincarnate Logan Echolls, from the Veronica Mars TV show. Fern is quiet, a bit of a geek, and likes nothing better than to stay at home and paint. She's currently a student at Cuyahoga Community College in Cleveland, majoring in graphic design. Logan is the obligatory psychotic jackass with a huge ego and an assumption the world is his. Yeah, they're not getting along right at the moment.

Anyway, I'm completely open for plotting. Logan's inclination would be for CORE, if only because of course he's better than anyone else, while Fern is sticking with the Agency only because of the information and help they've given her.

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Hello again, OTS! This is Rae, with a new kid for you.

Meet Logan Sullivan, the sassy, manipulative cocktail waitress who has been taken over by Alec McDowell (the bastard with the heart of gold from TV's sadly canceled series Dark Angel). You've already met her twin, Leon. Now, unlike Leon, Logan hasn't been a reincarnate for long. Just a couple of months, actually, so she's still adjusting. She has, however, known about reincarnates for a lot longer, since Leon told her everything. So, she knows what to expect, even if it hasn't happened yet, and is waiting for the day when she can kick someone through a wall. She's very excited about that part of the deal.

For the most part, Logan's a sweet girl. She's just not very trustworthy, since both her and Alec are very 'every man for themselves' at this point. Pretty much the only person she won't screw over completely is Leon. But! That doesn't mean you should run and hide from her. It's not like she can steal all your shit through a computer, so feel free to make friends. Hell, make enemies. All plot is good plot, my dears. So hit me with it!

As always, I'm available at pixelated sadism for everything.

Happy gaming!


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Sheena and I had an idea! We've been doing OOC memes for a while now and they're fun, but what do people think about us bringing them IC?

Having the Agency, via [info]ourtruenpc, pose questions for everyone to try and build a community and to stop everyone from KILLING EACH OTHER! Questions would be along the lines of the memes and would include things like; Share a secret about your past with us, or Tell us something about you that you haven't mentioned in the journals before.

These won't happen all the time, maybe once or twice a month depending on what else is going on. We won't do one when there's lots of plot happening, but will during quiet weeks. All participation will be voluntary, naturally, but we just wanted to see if there was interest for this sort of thing.

Gossip post

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Please supply your gossip here!

Gossip doesn't need to be IC and can be about anyone or anything you like. You can make something up about someone loving aliens if it strikes your fancy!

Gossip will be posted next weekend and all comments are screened.
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