our true selves.

November 1st, 2009

our true selves.


November 1st, 2009

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It is now 3am GMT. This makes it 11pm EST and 8pm PST.

This is the last time change for the plot. Please have fun on the last day!

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The following characters need to become active by the next activity check (15th November) or they will be removed. Please remember that activity is either a journal post or being involved in a thread in either [info]ourtrueselves or [info]ourtruecomms. If you need a hiatus then please go here to request one, and if you have any questions then please contact the mods.

If you're on either list and you have reached activity requirements then please reply to this post with a link and we'll edit accordingly. We're only human and sometimes things get missed.

If you're featured on either list then you will not be able to hold or apply for a new character until there is an activity check where none of your characters are featured.


Rue Murray
Joseph Belmont
Molly Hughes
Caprice Turner
Terence Squire
Jeremy Gates


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The Halloween plot is now over. Time is now back to normal!

Thank you to everyone that took part!
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