our true selves.

October 29th, 2009

our true selves.


October 29th, 2009

Time Update

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It os now midnight GMT on Halloween. It's 8pm EST and 5pm PST.

Come on! Get to the party as it's midnight!

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I hate to say it, but I'm nudging Chester off to NPC land. His suits can still be bought, and he can appear in mentionings. But, I think the war and the crazy world as it is are a little more than he or Kermit want anymore. They both want to be happy on their own little lily pad, meaning the fishing town of Newlyn. He will be opening up his home to help those who want out of the war as well, but he is no longer in play (if that makes any sense).

Just a quick warning: I will be using this journal, if all goes well, for a new character. Chester's old posts won't be yanked, just put under friend lock.
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