our true selves.

October 25th, 2009

our true selves.


October 25th, 2009

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There are a couple of notices today.

- Anna Harkness | [info]calamities is the new leader of CORE. Beth is now running CORE OOC as well as IC, so if you have any ideas then they're to go through her. She has our full support and we will be helping her out but she should now be your first point of contact regarding all CORE activities.

As well as Anna taking over the leadership role, Mercedes Palmer will become head of Reconnaissance and Information Gathering, Richard Hardwell will become head of Recruitment and JJ will become head of Training.

If you have any questions about the change over then please ask.

- The Halloween plot starts at midnight GMT, and there will be a post later declaring its beginning.

To just remind everyone, timings will be working a bit differently next week. This is for the entire game, not just the people at the party. We're extending Halloween night to last all week to give everyone as much chance to play during the plot as possible. As a result we're having one real day = one hour. This will be the same regardless of whether the character is at the party in London or on the beach in LA.

The time is GMT, as the party is happening in London, so allowances will need to be made for time differences. Each night at midnight I'll make a post signifying the changing of the time and I'll give both EST and PST as well.

You do not have to have every character attend the party, but you do need to abide by the timings. It'll get very confusing if some people are acting like it's Monday and others are claiming it's Saturday night.

Again, if there are any questions then please ask!

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Hey, all! Beth again, bringing in Luke Fitzgerald. Luke is... well, he's trouble, plain and simple. He's the epitome of 'daddy never paid any attention, so I will do whatever I can to draw notice.' Great grades? Check. When that didn't work, under-aged drinking and curfew-breaking? Check. Out of control spending just to see where his rich father would draw the line? Check. He's quietly angry, desperate to find someone who will actually take a sustained interest in him, and generally an all-around 'searching for identity' mess.

So, you know. He's a fairly typical young adult.

With Jareth from Labyrinth thrown in on top.

He's also Sarah Evans' ([info]itseggplant) stepbrother. Luke sees Sarah as something of a kindred spirit (shared abandonment issues = bonding?) and values her opinion, so if she tells him to chill and stop being a creep, he generally will.

I'm not sure what else to say. He's an interior design student at FIT so he's a New Yorker. His profile is here. Also, if folks app other Labyrinth characters it would be fantastic, I'm just saying. It is one trippy, odd, awesome 80s flick.

Halloween Plot

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The Halloween Plot begins now!

Due to the nature of the plot we're fast forwarding time to 9pm GMT on Halloween (Saturday 31st October, 2009). It's currently 5pm EST and 2pm PST. Even if you don't have characters at the party, they all have to abide by the time.

Anything posted in journals before this won't be effected by the time shift so previous threads of any kind won't be effected.

There will be an official beginning to the plot put up in just a moment where you will have the chance to reply to it with what your characters are dressed as and stuff like that.

Have fun experiencing your fears!
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