our true selves.

October 22nd, 2009

our true selves.


October 22nd, 2009

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So Sheena and I have an idea, but we want your feedback and want to know your level of interest before we go any further as this will be something that you guys will have a huge hand in.

We're thinking about the possibility of having locally organised CORE and Camelot cells, that will be responsible for activity in their specific area, probably a country, state or city depending on size. All cells would have to answer to the leaders of CORE and Camelot, but it might help make the game a bit more global as right now the HQ's are in Los Angeles (CORE) and Glastonbury, UK (Camelot).

Thoughts? Comments? We want your feedback guys!

Also, if you want someone recruited and it hasn't happened yet then leave a comment here.
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