our true selves.

October 13th, 2009

our true selves.


October 13th, 2009

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This is a very quick post to detail a change in the application process.

All applications will now be dealt with on a Saturday, by 4pm Central/5pm EST/10pm GMT. This is something that Sheena and I will be trying out in order to give us both a chance to look at and discuss apps. You can send in applications before Saturday, and we'll let you know that they've been received, but they won't be approved or denied until the Saturday.

This should also hopefully mean that everyone knows when to update their friends page.

There might be other mod changes happening in order for us to balance the work more effectively, but we'll let you know everything we decide as it gets decided.

If you have any questions then, as always, please just ask. We have no idea what we could be doing better without feedback so if something isn't working for you then let us know, or let us know if you think something's awesome, we'd like that too!

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