our true selves.

October 10th, 2009

our true selves.


October 10th, 2009

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To update everyone, the CORE leadership position will be decided on the 24th October. This gives everyone who hasn't already applied two weeks to get their application in.

Remember that you must e-mail the following information to both mods.

Your name:
The character you’re putting forward as leader:
Their current position:
Your plans for CORE: (Please put as much detail as possible in this section, as it’s what we’ll be judging).

For those people who are unsuccessful we will be offering the other department head positions to them so everyone should walk away with something.

Also please remember that it is your responsibility to make sure your characters information is up to date on the mod journal. Those who are not listed as being members of CORE, Camelot or the Agency in the mod journal will NOT be able to read filtered posts regardless of IC conversations. We also need E-Mail addresses for all characters so in some cases they can actually be recruited in the first place. I know it's a pain in the ass, but it's annoying for us to have to try to chase up information all the time.

Thanks guys.
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