our true selves.

October 7th, 2009

our true selves.


October 7th, 2009

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I am a weak, weak, weak person and I have a new character.

This is Maia Fletcher, and she's the reincarnate of Mia Dearden aka: Speedy II. For those of you that don't know, Speedy is Green Arrow's sidekick in DC comics, and Mia's wiki page is here if you want to know more.

She's PBed by Taylor Momsen, and I really have no idea why both of my DC girls have PB's from Gossip Girl. Seriously. How this happened, I have no idea. I'm going with her grungy look, even if the bright red lipstick is a little overboard. Oh, Taylor honey, learn how do your make up without looking like the Joker.

Maia's history is going to go behind a cut because it could be triggering. Warning for child abuse, because when Katy goes dramatic she goes overboard. )

She has a Caretaker, works part time at the Agency as a low level admin assistant and mostly just does the photocopying, but she needs friends and if anyone wanted to pick up more of the Arrow's then I will love you forever!

Her stats sheet is here, and if you have any questions then just ask!

- Katy
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